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XP -> 2000 using runtime - Features don't work 1

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May 6, 2003
I've created a DB in XP that uses Outlook 10.0 Reference Libraries. My client has Office 2000, with Access 2000 removed and when installed as a runtime version it works great, except for the Outlook controls ( I have buttons to create tasks and calender items based on due dates)

I used the packaging wizard, and did a scan do find all neccessary libraries to attach. I even got desperate and manually added all .dll and .olb files to the runtime version. However, when a button that uses the Outlook 10.0 object library is pressed and I get an error "Run Time Error - Will now exit Application". Any ideas? Similar Problems?
Hi Bauer99,

I'm not sure if this will solve your problem or not. I had a similar problem when using Excel from within Access.

Does your code behind the buttons use MDAC (eg. ADO) . If so you will need to install MDAC on the target machines. The packaging wizard does not deal with this at all.

If this is the case you can download mdac_typ.exe from and run that on the target machine.

Hope it helps.
Best thing you can do is trash the Microsoft packaging wizard. It is full of bugs. Purchase a working replacement from and you'll be a lot happier.

Thanx Mark,
My clients computer already has the updated MDAC library. I don't believe my code uses those objects anyways... It strictly uses Outlook.Application Objects with the Outlook 10.0 Reference Library.

Per Avguy, That instal program looks great and functional, but my spending authority around here isn't much more than the price of a stamp!

I'm still really stumped, and frustrated... but I will keep trying different work arounds..
The Office 2000 users will need a copy of msoutl.olb from Office XP in order to use the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library. Office 2000 uses the Microsoft Outlook 9.0 (or 9.1) Object Library, named msoutl9.olb.

To avoid library conflicts on your Office 2000 user's PC, I'd suggest copying msoutl.olb from Office XP into the directory on their PC where your application is installed. Then, point the References of your application as it's installed on their PC to that local copy of msoutl.olb.
I tried copying the relevent object libraries to the users computer and I pointed to them on the users computer... However I got an error "Automation Error - The Server threw an exception" When it go to the

Set olapp = Outlook.Application
Set objRems = olapp.Reminders

portion of my code, it accecpted the Outlook.Application, but errored on olapp.Reminders declaration.??
Is there a particular reason that you are trying to use the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library? Some of the features may not be compatible with Microsoft Outlook 2000 (the Office 2000 application being automated, in this case). You've obviously hit one of these forward compatibilty problems. If you have to use the 10.0 library, then you'd be safer upgrading the Microsoft Outlook application on the Office 2000 PCs to Microsoft Outlook 2002.

What I do in this scenario is use Microsoft Access Runtime 2002 to run my Access 2000 application on an Office 2000 PC. My Access 2000 application References the Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library. This combination works fine.
Hi jfischer,
Is an Access 2002 Runtime version, created by the packaging wizard? Or can a 2002 runtime copy be created somewhere else? I tried your suggestion, by removing Access 2000 from the 2000PC, to hopefully remove all the 2000 libraries, and made a runtime copy through the packaging wizard. Once installed on the 2000PC the copy works great except for the outlook controls.

THe outlook controls are pretty much the basis of the DB. It is designed to track due dates and compliance dates for various permits and activities and set relevant tasks and calender items in Outlook.
Just a thought, maybe hopelessly off base but here goes.

Does your application actually need to reference the outlook 10.0 Object library (i.e. use features not available in Outlook 9.x), or could you when building the application reference the Outlook 9.x object library, by copying it onto your machine and referencing it manually.

May be no help at all but hey.
My understanding from your first post was that your client had a PC with Office 2000 installed on it. The Access 2000 application was removed from the Office 2000 suite, and replaced with Access Runtime 2000. Since Access 2000 was the only application replaced in the Office 2000 suite, the client is using Microsoft Outlook 2000.

Your application, even though if was developed using Office XP (2002), runs on your client's PC, except for the Outlook portion. That means your database is in 2000 format, otherwise your client would get an "Unrecognized database format" message when running your application.

If you are not using any new features in Microsoft Outlook 2002 in your application, you should not need to upgrade Microsoft Outlook on your client's PC from 2000 to 2002. The only thing you should need to do is change the References in your application, when it's installed on your client's PC, to use the Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library instead of the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library.

If, however, you are using new features in Microsoft Outlook 2002, then you'll need to upgrade your client's version of Microsoft Outlook to 2002. Simply copying the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library to the client's PC won't do the job. The new features depend on the whole Outlook application, not just the object library.

Since your database is in 2000 format, you shouldn't need to replace Access Runtime 2000 with Access Runtime 2002 on your client's PC. The exception to that depends on whether your database is an MDB or an ADP, and if it's an ADP, whether it subreferences MDB/MDE projects that print reports with grouping. There are obscure bugs in Access 2000 with ADPs that may require you to upgrade to Access Runtime 2002 to resolve the issues. If you need a copy of Access Runtime 2002, it comes with the Developer version of Office XP. I believe there's also a downloadable version on Microsoft's Web site, but you'll have to check the licensing requirements on that copy.

I hope this helps.

Great thanx for your help.. I am getting more into the right direction... I have the XP developers kit, and I had converted the DB to 2000 to run on the clients machine.. but when using the .mdb copy on her machine, I try to change the reference library and I click on Browse, I can browse to the right location but it won't actually change the location.

The outlook controls are very basic and do not use anything new to 2002. They simply use .Reminders and .TaskItem Objects.

I just tried converting the 2000 version on my machine to Xp (both the front end and the backend) and created a runtime version, and addedd the appropriate libraries, Thinking that by converting a 2000 version to a runtime it was sitting in between 2000 and xp. And by creating a Xp Runtime it would hold the appropriate libraries. But still getting a Runtime error when using the outlook controls..

I suppose you can't change reference libraries on a runtime version after it is installed? Just whatever is packaged with it.

But I'm going to reinstall Acccess 2000 on her machine and try and point to the Outlook 9.0 library... Thanx for your help on this matter! much appreciated!
To change a Reference on your client's PC, open up the References and uncheck the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library. (It should say "MISSING" next to it.) Then, close the References sheet. Now, open the References sheet again and scroll through the list until you find Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library and check that item. Then, close the References sheet. Your application should now point to the correct library on your client's PC.
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