Where each small XmlDocument is..
Using the following .NET approach to copy and merge many small XmlDocuments into one new big XmlDocument..
Results in a big XmlDocument that looks like this..
Every element was appended and every tag closed, but the heirachy is a disaster.
What is a better way of copying small documents into a big document?
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Using the following .NET approach to copy and merge many small XmlDocuments into one new big XmlDocument..
XmlDocument big = new XmlDocument();
List<XmlDocument> myXmlDocumentList = new List<XmlDocument>();
// lets assume we populated this list with lots of small XmlDocuments
foreach(XmlDocument small in myXmlDocumentList){
big.DocumentElement.AppendChild(big.ImportNode(small.DocumentElement, true));
Results in a big XmlDocument that looks like this..
Every element was appended and every tag closed, but the heirachy is a disaster.
What is a better way of copying small documents into a big document?
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