Im fairly new to javascript but I am an experianced php programmer. I have been parsing XML information using php, but my CPU usage has been too high recently due to this.
I am trying to convert my scripts to javascript, but I am unsure how I can do this using javascript. I think that if I get started off, the rest will be easy.
One of my XML files is located at
Basically I have been trying to grab the Name, Artist and large image of the most recent <track>.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and linked too on my website .
Im fairly new to javascript but I am an experianced php programmer. I have been parsing XML information using php, but my CPU usage has been too high recently due to this.
I am trying to convert my scripts to javascript, but I am unsure how I can do this using javascript. I think that if I get started off, the rest will be easy.
One of my XML files is located at
[URL unfurl="true"]http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=user.getrecenttracks&user=bbcradio1&api_key=c910b0bc1e2d4e64964ebcd2d69c255c&limit=500[/URL]
Basically I have been trying to grab the Name, Artist and large image of the most recent <track>.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and linked too on my website .