I have made this tool to sign and validate xml files with digital signatures with the ibm security suite. Unfortunately this suite is not for free. I noticed apache.org had an API for this purposes to.
However i run into some problems during the installation process(mind that i am rather new to the 'ant' tool ).
The installation process:When i do "ant test" from in the root directory ("...Desktop\xml-security-bin-1_2_1\xml-security-1_2_1") I get error, i also downloaded the file "jce-jdk13-124.jar" manually and put it in the libs/ directory with the name "bc-jce-jdk13-124.jar" but the build always failes. At the start it always says:Could not load definitions from resource clovertask. It could not be found.
I have made this tool to sign and validate xml files with digital signatures with the ibm security suite. Unfortunately this suite is not for free. I noticed apache.org had an API for this purposes to.
However i run into some problems during the installation process(mind that i am rather new to the 'ant' tool ).
The installation process:When i do "ant test" from in the root directory ("...Desktop\xml-security-bin-1_2_1\xml-security-1_2_1") I get error, i also downloaded the file "jce-jdk13-124.jar" manually and put it in the libs/ directory with the name "bc-jce-jdk13-124.jar" but the build always failes. At the start it always says:Could not load definitions from resource clovertask. It could not be found.