Technical User
I have a flash file that uses a xml source to create some menus.
The xml is ok but the flash file does not show all the information in the xml file!
The problem is that when the information flash gets from the xml file contains special characteres like ç or ~ it truncates the info after that character.
if the field contains the text " informação ",
the flash file only returns " informa "
Can someone help me to resolve this bug?
I have a flash file that uses a xml source to create some menus.
The xml is ok but the flash file does not show all the information in the xml file!
The problem is that when the information flash gets from the xml file contains special characteres like ç or ~ it truncates the info after that character.
if the field contains the text " informação ",
the flash file only returns " informa "
Can someone help me to resolve this bug?