I am setting up a couple of 9608 VPN phones on a IPO 9.1. I have all of my VPN settings correctly. The phone boots up, brings me to the extension log in page, then displays Wrong Set Type when I try to log in? Anyone had this issue?
The monitor software give the following error:
231116381mS H323Evt: Recv: RegistrationRequest; Endpoints registered: 0; Endpoints in registration: 0
231116381mS H323Evt: e_H225_AliasAddress_dialedDigits alias
231116381mS H323Evt: found number <1101>
231116382mS H323Evt: RRQ --- CallSigProtocol is H323AnnexL_P. Go for Avaya VPN phone
231116382mS H323Evt: RRQ --- Extn(1101) VPN phones not allowed
231116382mS RasTx: v=Src=, Dst= peb=0
RasMessage = registrationReject = {
requestSeqNum = 3
protocolIdentifier =
nonStandardData = {
nonStandardIdentifier = object = 2.16.840.1.113778.4.2.1
data = 333
rejectReason = invalidTerminalType