How do I start writing a windows logon script for a <br>windows domain client(95/98/ME)?<br>Do I write the script from the client box or from the <br>server(NT/2000)?<br><br>Please help<br>Derek
You write your script on the server's \Logon share. It will be executed locally on each client's machine so keep the path references as \\"Servername"\"Share Name"\"file name". Make sure to specify the logon script in your Active Directory Users and Computers app found in the "Administrative Tools" program group.
The scripts are kept in the sysvol folder under scripts. the scripts folder is shared as NETLOGON when browsing the network.
open active dir and click on users and open up a user under profile or something you have two things: profile and logon script. your logon script (the basic one) should be named default.bat don't forget it's a batch file!!!
all you need in the bit of logon script is: default.bat
you don't need to specifiy the server that it's loging on to.
if you want to have roaming profiles then share a folder called profiles then under profile path (think) put in
then where ever they logon there desktop will follow!!!
hope this is helpful for you
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