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writing a subtotal subroutine

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Mar 22, 2005
hi there,

I have the results of a qeury which I then need to subtotal based on two different columns.

the data looks like this (simplified)

project location actuals etc
uk1234 UK 54 23
uk1234 UK 10 7
uk1234 Thai 10 15
uk1222 UK 26 5

I need to subtotal on change of project THEN change of location, so the above would look like:

UK1222 UK 26 5
TOTAL 26 5
UK1234 UK 54 23
UK1234 UK 10 7
TOTAL 64 30
UK1234 THAI 10 15
TOTAL 10 15

normal excel subtotals can be used on change of one column, not two.
does anyone have any suggestions for a solution to my requirements.

would it be straight forward to insert a line on change of project AND location, then sum the actuals and etc for it?

thanks in advance,
Have you tried using a pivot table?

Bob Rashkin
Create a concatened column:
[E1].Formula = "=A1&B1"
Range("A1:E5").Subtotal GroupBy:=5, Function:=xlSum, TotalList:=Array(3, 4), _
Replace:=True, PageBreaks:=False, SummaryBelowData:=True

Hope This Helps, PH.
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'in code
+ order by your project code
+ loop down through project entries
+ check current project
+ look forward to the next line
+ if the next project is the same, add up total in memory
- if next project is not the same, insert new row, put in sum to date
thanks guys,

PH, your code is basically just the code generated by subtotals.
my live data will have about 1100 rows - and if I try to manually create it using the concat column it takes ages to run.

i'm wondering what I can do to improve the performance of it.
in reality I have about 5 or 6 columns that need summing.

any ideas?

thanks again
'thinking out loud here so bare with me
'record macro to sort on col 1
intRResults = 1
Set dicData = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For i = 1 To 1000
strTemp = CStr(Cells(i, 1).Value)
If LCase(Trim(strTemp)) = LCase(Trim(CStr(Cells(i + 1).Value))) Then
If dicData.Count = 0 Then
Call setupTotals(i, dicData, 6)
Call addTotals(i + 1, dicData, 6)
End If
'different reference therefore write results
Call writeData(intRResults, dicData)
intRResults = intRResults + 1
End If


Sub setupTotals(ByVal intRow, ByRef dicData, ByVal numCols)
For j = 1 To numCols
dicData.Add j, Cells(intRow, j).Value

End Sub

Sub addTotals(ByVal intRow As Integer, ByRef dicData, ByVal numCols As Integer)
For j = 1 To numCols
dicData.Item(j) = dicData.Item(j) + Cells(intRow, j).Value
End Sub

Sub writeData(ByVal intRowResults, ByRef dicData)
dim aKey As Variant
For Each aKey In dicData
Sheets("results").Cells(intRowResults, aKey).Value = dicData.Item(aKey)

End Sub
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