have a loop that lists days of week
and writes cutomers name if the day equals
booking start date or booking end date
this is done using case statement
and writes cutomers name if the day equals
booking start date or booking end date
this is done using case statement
however i want the days between the start and end date to
be filled with the customers name but am stuck
courtdate = dd/mm/yyyy
books/end = dd/mm/yyyy
i = 1
k = Weekday(dDate, 1)
Do Until i = 8
If i = k Then
courtdate= DateAdd("w", i-k, dDate)
courtdate = DateAdd("w", i-k, dDate)
End If
<td class="mfitsml" align="center">
<%Select Case courtdate
Case x_bookst
response.Write x_cuslname
Case x_bookend
response.Write x_cuslname
'this is my case for between dates
Case courtdate > x_bookst AND courtdate < x_bookend
response.Write x_cuslname
Case else%>
<a href=<%Response.Write "custaddcourtcars.asp?carid=" & Server.URLEncode(x_carid) & "&courtdate=" & courtdate %> target="_blank" onClick="window.open(this.href, this.target, 'height=400,width=480,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no');return false;"><span>Free</span></a>
<%end select%>
<%i = i + 1