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Workstation cannot join Domain 1

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Apr 28, 2003

I set up a small network of 10 workstations, all windows 2kPro, and one Windows 2K Pro Advanced Server. The server has two NIC cards installed one for the private network and the other for the DSL connection. Private network is using the 10.0.0.X subnet mask of static IPs. The second NIC has the DSL router on it and setup with a static IP given to us by the ISP (ISP gave us 15 IP addresses). I set up NAT to share the DSL line and put in the other 14 IP address in the NAT scope.

All nine workstations are accessing the server and the internet but one. This one workstation cannot join the domain. The exact error I get is "The following error occurred attempting to join the domain"MyDomainName": The network name cannot be found.

Now I double check the server and made sure my account is there, it is. I then created a computer account for myself. I also went into DNS and made a host file in forward lookup zone, and a pointer file in the reverse lookup zone. My attempt to join the domain failed with the same error. I made sure that netmak ordering and round robin were enabled and they are, Dynamic update on the DNS is enabled as well. No luck, still cannot join domain.

Next I uninstalled my NIC card and reinstalled it. Entered my static TCP/IP information in again. No luck, same error.

Went back to server and stoped netlogon service and restarted and then rebooted the server. No luck.

From my workstation I can ping the server by IP and by name, I can ping other user's machines. I can browse to other computers and I have access to the internet. I can even log on to the other machines using my username and password that I set up on the server. I just cannot join the domain.

Please any help would be greatly appreciated.

Al Guzman

Hey GiaBetiu sorry for missing your IM, I was at the server checking it out. I'm back now if you still have some time to help me out.
Ok, you didn't mention that you'd tried that.

Have you tried entering a computer name on the local machine that does not exist in the "Computer" OU on the server, then try to join the domain? You said you created a completely new computer name in the Computer OU, but that's something I never do, I just make sure the name on the local system that I'm going to join to the domain isn't already taken.
Funny you posted that because that is just what I did. I deleted my account again, deleted the computer name I added in the computer OU and then created a new account for my self. Went back to my work station and no luck.
When you say "created a new account for my self", what exactly do you mean and/or how/why are you doing that?

The only account you need to join a computer to the domain is the domain admin's account.
What I mean is my User Account on the server. I made a new username and password. I then renamed my workstation with a name that is not in the server's computer name OU. Rebooted the workstation and logged in as local admin and then try to join domain with new username and password and that doesn't work. Then I try using the domain admin username and password and same thing, cannot join domain.

Just a double check, but you do have TCP/IP Protocol associated with the NIC in the local machine?

Also, from the local machine's command prompt, if you enter ipconfig/all, what is the result?
primary DNS suffic blank....Node type boradcast...iprouting enabled..no...wins proxy enabled..no...description Linksys LNE fast ethernet adapter... Physical Address.00-04-5a-44-24-b5..Dhcp enabled..no Ip address Subnet mask.. default gateway.. DNS servers
Since the problem is becoming very strange let's see what we know:
- in Windows 2000 there is a limitation of 10 computers that can be join under an account (10 / 1 account)
And, since we have 9 and that next one is the 10th one, we are in this case.

- we need a detailed diagnosis
- try: net use \\serverDCname\ipc$ /u:<domain\user> <password> this is a similar command with the one that is performed duringthe joining procedure
- use: netdiag /debug
- check in c:\winnt\debug\netsetup.log the result of that netdiag test
- try: nltest /dsgetdc:<domain-name> and see the asnwer

So, now you have a nice homework. I'm waitng for the results.

Gia Betiu
Computer Eng. CNE 4, CNE 5, MCSE Win2K
new: (just started)
Try this also, turn off the problem computer, go to any other system on the network and ping The result should be no response...if there is a response, then you have duplicate IP's.
I had an almost identical problem the other week. I suspected a corrupt tcp/ip stack and did a complete removal and reinstall of tcp/ip but that did not work. I was finally able to resolve it by booting with my win2k pro disk and doing a repair install. After I did that everything worked properly.
Thanks to GiaBetiu my problem is solved. The short story is GiaBetiu discovered that my server was missing the share IPC$. If you read the previous post by her, she had me run a few test and all failed, then I check on the server for that share and discovered it was not. Once we restored IPC$ as a share I was able to join the domain.

Many thanks giaBetiu.
Thanks to your thread I decided to write an entire article on my site about &quot;how workstation is joining a domain&quot;.

I hope that you, people that are having &quot;joining domain&quot; problems, will find there few ideas about this procedure and how to troubleshoot it.

Gia Betiu
Computer Eng. CNE 4, CNE 5, MCSE Win2K
new: (just started)
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