Can anyone out there help me out and tell me why the following code will only work when accessed using the firefox web browser?
set commanderworker= server.CreateObject ("adodb.command")
commanderworker.ActiveConnection = objconn
commanderworker.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM mother WHERE worker = '" & authworker1 &"' and status is null"
set objrs = commanderworker.Execute
set commanderworker = nothing
while not objrs.eof %>
<SELECT name="ticketselect" ID="Select1">
<% response.Write "<option>" & objrs("ticket number") & "</option>"
now i use the same chunk of code (other than the object names and variables) in other pages, and it works just fine....and there is no error, IE acts like there is no information to be displayed, and when i take out the "while" loop stuff, IE screams about BOF and EOF error....but at the same time firefox has no issue what so ever...i am so confused by this!!!! help1!!!
set commanderworker= server.CreateObject ("adodb.command")
commanderworker.ActiveConnection = objconn
commanderworker.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM mother WHERE worker = '" & authworker1 &"' and status is null"
set objrs = commanderworker.Execute
set commanderworker = nothing
while not objrs.eof %>
<SELECT name="ticketselect" ID="Select1">
<% response.Write "<option>" & objrs("ticket number") & "</option>"
now i use the same chunk of code (other than the object names and variables) in other pages, and it works just fine....and there is no error, IE acts like there is no information to be displayed, and when i take out the "while" loop stuff, IE screams about BOF and EOF error....but at the same time firefox has no issue what so ever...i am so confused by this!!!! help1!!!