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working with the ProgressBar widget in Perl/Tk

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Sep 27, 2001
Hello all

Does anyone have any experience with Tk progress bars?
I am trying to work with it to complete my program and here's the problem I am having:

I need to display a progress bar while writing lines to a file. how do I do this?? I tried various things like calling a toplevel with the progress bar in it with increasing values for the bar...but displaying the box in a non bloking way seems to be the problem...dont know..out of ideas...does anyone happen to have a good code snippet at hand??? any help appreciated fellas.
I'm not so sure whether this will work using TK but this is what I use for Dos screen progres bar
print "Searching..";
print "\°";

open(BARFILE, &quot;<$barfile&quot;) || &REPORT_N_DIE(&quot;$barfile&quot;);
@barlines = <BARFILE> ;
print &quot;\°&quot;;

open(TESTCODE_OUT, &quot;>>$update&quot;) || &REPORT_N_DIE(&quot;$update&quot;);
print &quot;\°&quot;;

open(BIOSLIST,&quot;<$biosfreezelist &quot;) || &REPORT_N_DIE(&quot;$biosfreezelist&quot;);
@listlines = <BIOSLIST> ;
print &quot;\°&quot;;

foreach $barline (@barlines)
print &quot;\°&quot;;
@barword = split(/ /, $barline);
foreach $listline (@listlines)
# print &quot;\°&quot;;
@listword = split(/,/, $listline);

The print &quot;\°&quot;; statement will get a progress bar running when used in a dos enviornment

Thanks Jonv20

This will not work for Tk, since it is a purely graphical environment (furthermore I would like to use the ProgressBar widget)
But its still a pretty good idea for dos based progies it could come in handy.

Anyone else?? suggestions anything? totally stuck here!
I didn't even know that Tk had a progress bar widget. Would you mind displaying the syntax you are using, and what do you mean by:
&quot;but displaying the box in a non bloking way seems to be the problem&quot;

a non-blocking way? what do you mean by non-blocking?

Hi Jim, I solved the problem by packing the progress bar in the program window instead of a separate toplevel.
The problem was getting the toplevel containing the progress bar to pop up and update itself without blocking the running process (a file i/o operation)
putting the progress bar in the main window is a quick fix...it will do for now.

Here is a syntax example for the ProgressBar Widget:

$progr = $parent->ProgressBar( -width => 11,
-length => 200,
-from => 0,
-to => 100,
-blocks => 50,
-colors => [0,'#30457E'],
-variable => \$amt_done);

the -variable option is what is used to incrementally 'fill the bar' with whatever amount (usually a percentage of the total amount: option &quot;-to&quot;).

Cool ;-) 'hope this helps

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I have recently tried to use the ProgressBar as follows:


$main::amtdone = 0;
$main::mw = MainWindow->new;
$main::mw->title(&quot;$main::progName [Progress $main::datafile]&quot;);
$main::progress = $main::mw->ProgressBar(
-width => 20,
-borderwidth => 2,
-padx => 2,
-pady => 2,
-relief => 'sunken',
-from => 0,
-gap => 0,
-to => 100,
-blocks => 100,
-colors => [0 => 'red', 35 => 'yellow' , 70 => 'green'],
-variable => \$main::amtdone
)->pack(-fill => 'x');

$main::mw->bind('<Control-s>', sub{&main::stripfmt(&quot;$main::FMTtype&quot;, &quot;$main::datafile&quot;, &quot;$main::datafile.str&quot;)});



sub stripfmt {
$main::amtdone = (($main::placeholder / $main::eofpos) * 100);

The progress bar widget pops up and looks OK.

The subroutine runs, but the progress bar does not change.
I solved the problem.

I needed to add the &quot;update&quot; for the following:

sub stripfmt {
$main::amtdone = (($main::placeholder / $main::eofpos) * 100);
$main::mw->update(&quot;idletasks&quot;); #### ADDED
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