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Working with Frames

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Apr 17, 2002
Does anyone know how to setup a site much like the way tek-tips is setup, except with one small change?

What I want to do is have a bar across the top which does not disappear from view when the user scrolls down which I know can be done with a "top" frame. But I also want to have navigation along the left side which does not move upon scrolling also. I know that can be achived with a left frame (published one site already that used left frame).

But I don't know how to combine a left frame with a top frame, so that when a user clicks on a menu item on the left, the "right" frame reflects their selection, and opens the new page chosen. The bottom of the graphic that is inserted in the top frame should seemlessly integrate with the top of the graphic in the left frame. Example:

(TFrame) Cool Stuff Inc.
(LFrame) -----------------------------
About Us | |
Products | New Page opens |
Contact Us | up here | <----Scroll bar
| |(Does not affect
| |top or left frame)

Hope I explained this well enough!!! Any help is appreciated!!! &quot;Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.&quot;
if you have a new image in every new page for the main frame then you would have to use a refresh command for the top frame in evey page to load a new image...or at least the same page with different images
sorry my explanation sucked......

here goes..
each frame has a frame name ie. topframe leftframe mainframe etc..

if you have a link in leftframe and you want it to change your mainframe you need to see what the name of the frame is you want to target...you can do this by going to view>frames...then you type the link you want to and in the properties window you put the name of the target frame in the target box

its that easy
Thanks for your clarification deecee! :) I think what you're getting at is how to point to frames. But what I'm trying to do is bring 2 framesets (possibly 3) together seemlessly.

Check out and click on JAGDWAFFEN then classic Mannlicher and you will see what I'm trying to achieve.
&quot;Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.&quot;
well you have to design the three frames teh same...ie your left frame always lloks the same..your top frame always looks the same and your main frame always looks the same and just content changes...also he uses a javascript applet for an iframe...the main part is a javascript applet
Strikermax, I think you may have missed the point with the demo site you've given and are trying to make it too complciated. You can do what you want by lining up images in the left and top frames, but don't need to to duplicate this site.

open the demo site in ie.
Choose &quot;save as&quot; whatever....
Open in dreamweaver

I'm betting there is a top frame that goes right along the top.

For this set up.

(1) Insert a top frame.
(2) Click on the bottom frame.
(3) Insert a left frame.


The top frame goes all the way along the top. The left/right frames are both below the top frame so you don't need to align any graphics.

And gee whizz striker,,,

A demo site about a gun - man licking site?

LMAO ROFL nippi. I think the name Mannlicher is not a very good name for a gun manufacturer. I mean it should be Bearlicker or Mooselicker!!!

But seriously, thanks for the tip!! Your advice was very straightforward and easy to follow. I will be taking note of this for the future sites I'm developing. But over the weekend I decided for this client that I'll ditch the frames. The majority of his customers will be using 640 X 480 resolution and probably won't like a frame-based site.

Besides, I've found other ways to make the site look cool and esay to navigate, without using frames!!! See you around!!! &quot;Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.&quot;
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