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Wordperfect 9 on Windows XP writing tools grayed out

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Mar 19, 2003
If i logon as an Admin or make a user a Power User, the writing tools (spell check, dictionary,etc) work fine. When a user logs in regular, no power user rights, its always grayed out. is there anything i can do so they can use the writing tools without giving them Power user rights? what rights do power uses have that a regular user doesn't that would require the use of the tools? if anybody can help ASAP i would appreciate it as we have several users as power users right now. thanks in advance.

I had this same problem with my win 2000 machines. I ended up making all my users power users because I could not find the problem. If I remeber right....this was a few years ago......the problem was not duplicated on some of my first test win2000 machines and then in later Ghost images it seemed to be consistant. Corel was no help of course!
If you find out or need any help from me, let me know.

David Ball CNE, MCSE
This problem is resolved as follows:

1) Log in as Administrator:

a) Make the user a member of the administrators group.
b) Uninstall WordPerfect 9 and restart the computer.
c) Now, log in as a user (now an administrator). Install the application again --word perfect, etc. And then, test the application to make sure that the writing tools are not grayed out and that they work fine--all this as the user w/ admin privileges.

2) While still logged in as a User:

a) Take away the administrative rights from the user. Log out and then log back in as the same user. (Now this is a plain user w/o Amin rights). Finally, start the application again to see if you still have access to your writing tools. This should work.

Thanks. That does work. Now for a bigger challenge. I need to make it work for computers with multiple users. the machines that have one user, it works fantastic, but like our receptionist machine, there are multiple users the logon there. how can we make it work that way?
I agree, that would be too dificult in my office. Users move too much for me to go through that each time someone wants to move. Thanks for clearing that problem up though. I wonder why Corel could not have told me that?

David Ball CNE, MCSE
To let *all* users on the computer enjoy the writing tools, you'll need to change some permissions in the registry:
give Users full control to:
(or HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Corel.WritingTools.9 -- same key)

This will only work *before* the user logs in and a profile is created.

Hi forum,

I can't even get WP9 to work with multiple users on XP. I get a "cannot initialize templates error". This happens if the user is not an administrator. I did have it work one time but the writing tools were grayed out. Can anyone give me advice on how to load WP9 correctly and work on a workstation and domain for multiple users? Your help is appreciated!

If this is still an issue, I would recommend moving to at least version 10. We had the same issue with security, multiple users, problems associated with changing every !#$%ing user account 12 times... in the end we saved time, money, blood, sweat, tears, and the havoc of hundreds of scorned users by simply upgrading. Not that 10 was a total dream... [smile]

Dallas S. Kelsey, III
Cox, Hodgman, & Giarmarco, P.C.
Troy MI 48084
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