Back in the days of Office 2k if you wanted to increase the Word file CacheSize you had to load into the macro editor, then change your Kb settings and thats it. Well Now that we have the lovely Word 2002 (aka: XP) those setting are no longer contained in (no such file exists) My question is; is there a new .dot template containing these settings, or have they all been imported to the registry. I have searched TechNet and Office Home but I get no valid results when searching for CacheSize/file cache/resource kit cache/ and a host of other search querys. The problem I have been experiencing is the Error message "Insufficiant Memory. Word cannot display the selected font" I have Troubleshooted all the normal issues like corrupt fonts, too many installed fonts, corrupted, bad install, and hardware. It's NT 4, on a nt server, if anyone has this info please HELP!