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Word and Excel Attachments Delayed

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Nov 11, 2002
We are experiencing very long delay in receiving word and excel attachments (more than 4 hours sometimes). If the same attachments will be converted to something else like Word to Wordperfect it will come fine. The problem seems very sporodic mostly on the negative side though. We had NT4.0 with exchange 5.5 all the latest sps, but after spending over three weeks with Microsoft tech. (who decided to refund my money and says that the problem cannot be solved) we changed over to 2000 domain with 2000 exchange figuring that this will solve the problem, well it didn't.
I checked everything in here and cannot see any filter anywhere. At this current time I am very desperate as more than 50 people are being frustrated by this, any ideas will be tried, please help. Thanks
Here is a strange part I forgot to mention in the first post. It only happens if the mail is being sent from a UNIX sending server not Exchange.
First of all, WHERE does it get stuck? On the Unix machine or in the Exchange queues.
Send a test mail with Excel while monitoring. If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too.
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It seems like its getting stuck on the UNIX machine. here is the NDR the sender is receiveing.
451 4.4.1 timeout writing to aaaaaa.aaaaa.org (name of receiving server, not real name). Operation timed out with aaaaa.aaaaa.org.
Like I said earlier sometimes it worked great and sometimes I just don't know, It worked from 8pm yesterday to 9am this morning now its gone bonkers again.
Well, I thought so.
I think it's time to investigate the Unix server then, Exchange is not at fault here.
Check where that aaaa.aaaa comes from. If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too.
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marcs41, in case you miss something or I havent explained my self properly. We are on the receiving end with the exchange and its not only one specific sending server that is having problem its all Sending Unix I know of, I have had people send me attachments from all.
ok, one or more, but it is still only the Unix server(s) generating this problem.
You should still check where the aaa.aaa gets generated. Since Exchange is receiving, as I said, it cannot be at fault as far as I see.
You probably have a notification saying something in the line of:
I/O error Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours Will keep trying until message is 5 days old

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aaaaa.aaa is our receiving server (exchange), and the NDR gets generated from the sending server (unix), yes the NDR does contain that I/O error you are referring to. I understand what you are getting at, thats what I thought originally but why the sending unix is having ptroblem with only our exchange and no one else.
What mailserver is running on Unix and how do they tranfer? If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too.
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marcs41, I don't know what mail server the unix is running,I get NDRs from people who contact me and tell me they are having problem sending attachments to us. Upon investigation I realize that all those who are having problem is sending through a Unix.
Maybe ask them to check locally.
There may be something to learn out of it, for instance if they all have the same mailserver, then there may be a pattern, which narrows down your investigation. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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Someone mention to me that I should check my MIME settings that there could be a problem converting the attachments and that could be the reason I am receiving other types fine and not word/excel. Do anyone think this is the problem and if how do check MIME in 2K Exchange.

I guess I am in the rutt here. Have to figure this one by myself. Thanks anyway to all those who try to help.
MIME is a coding/encoding technique, not a conversion, so it will not make a difference between Word, Excel or any other attachment.
If it is your coding that's wrong, no file would make it through ok.
It is difficult from here to see things or test, so we depend on the feedback you give.
All I can advice further is to keep in contact with the other mailserver owners and have them send some small testmails to allow you to pinpoint and trace the problem.
Like said before, try to eliminate from wich servers the problem comes, are they always the same servers, do these all run the same mailserver app. , only problems with Word/Excel or other attachments too, etc. etc.. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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marcs41, I greatly appreciate your dedication to my post.
Ok its not the MIME settings and Idoubt very highly its the Exchange server, like I said earlier I removed the 5.5 and installed 2K so this would be a brand new installation on a new computer. We have a firewall and even if I remove the firewall from the picture the problem still exist. This might be the wrong area I am posting but it has to do with my mail so that's why I post here. We have traced the problem to be at our site, whats more annoying is that it works sometime and sometimes it doesn't, like right now its fine, yesterday it was ok until 1pm EST to 7pm EST, last week it worked from Wednesday to Saturday (wasn't here Sunday). I know all this because I connect through dial-up to a local ISP and send attachments to myself regularly. Is anyone there willing to take on this case $$$$$$$.
Thanks again
Surely you must have a local IT Company if you are willing to pay?
Here it is not about being payed, but like I said before, some things you need to 'see' and test, so we depend on the poster to test and try things we would do when in front of it.
Form your posts I get that you never really contacted the other side(s). That is exacly what the one you want to pay will do, so why not do it yourself? The time this problem is going on will just get longer and longer.
Sorry, but follow the tips, act, don't guess. If in doubt, get it confirmed, never assume. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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I did contact three of those senders and they told me that no one else is reporting a problem therefore the problem is definitely on my side- they did some mail test and were only having problem with me-. I am not guessing I tried everything in the book and I surely acted and I never assume, I ran hundreds of test with microsoft tech. support and they couldn't figure it out, (Microsoft only ran test on the exchange server) they said the new install may solve it (it didn't). I changed almost everything Switches, servers etc, the only thing I didn't change is my router. Sorry if you are being tired of seeing my post but I am looking for help, I had a local techie vitit here and he wasn't any help either..We are in middle of nowhere..
Don't want to offend you, and I am not tired of the post (all I would have to do is not reply).
But what I am trying to say (difficult like this) is that we cannot run tests here for you.
Even if the contacted people tell yoy it is your side, it is also only with them you have a problem. So, it takes 2 to sort things out. You can only hope they are willing.
I hope you did not have to pay the guys that did not solve it. [sub]If the answer is here, mark it, others can benefit from it too. If 'something' 'somewhere' gives 'some' error, excpect random guesses or no replies at all. Please specify details.
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