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Word 97 & disappearing graphics

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Jun 19, 1999
I've been creating User Guides, with screen shots, on Word 97 (Win NT) for years and now - all of a sudden (of course!) the screen shots (I put them in the doc by ALT+Print Screen and then just paste them into Word) won't show in Print Preview and won't print. The rest of the doc is just fine. <br>
I've tried printing to two different printers (though suspect that because the screen shots don't appear in Print Preview it's not a printer problem.<br>
I've scanned for viruses = nothing. I've sent a sample file to another Win NT machine and it printed just fine.<br>
I've not loaded any new programs. Any suggestions as to what could have happened?<br>
Well I'm not sure whats wrong but Try this.<br>
Create a new document<br>
and just paste one picture in it and see if it prints.<br>
If it does then (I know this is not what you want to hear) but recreate your document.<br>
Now you can copy and paste items but do it a few at a time and keep checking your print ability.<br>
Been there done that.<br>
<p> DougP<br><a href=mailto: dposton@universal1.com> dposton@universal1.com</a><br><a href= > </a><br>
Thanks for your quick reply - but I tried that and still had the same problem. I guess I'll just have to reinstall Word!
Are the two different printer completely different (ie not even the same model -- one is a HP4 the other an HP6P or something like that? I'd try removing and reinstalling the printers, and when prompted (I think 98 prompts you) do not use the files currently loaded on the machine. Make sure you using fresh drivers. Also, if you are using drivers that came with 98, try checking the manufacture's web site for updated drivers.<br>
Might also be good to print a test page out before you delete the printer, then delete the printer and all the files that are associated with the printer (ie the files on the test page) then reinstall the printer. Probably would be a good idea to reboot between the uninstall and reinstall. Use any manufactured uninstall program also if you have them.<br>
Can you print elsewhere fine? Can you print from Word fine as long as its not graphics? What printer are you using?<br>
I'd take 10 minutes to uninstall/remove the printer and reinstall before I spent an hour reinstalling Office. Also, can you print the screenshots from within Excel?<br>
Hope this helps,<br>
Paul Kincaid
This just gets curiouser and curiouser. The two printers that it won't print to are an HP and a Xerox. I can print any Word doc to both as long as there are no screen shots (graphics). Remember that the screen shots don't show in Print Preview either which makes me think it's not a driver problem - correct?<br>
I can print graphics from Publisher just fine. I reinstalled Word 97 and the same problem still exists. I didn't, however, uninstall Word before I re-installed it so I'll give that a try next.<br>
I'm open to any suggestions!
Probable causes, in this order:<br>
1. Do you have SR2? If not, get it.<br>
2. Check the settings on the printer, some of them will have these options: select &quot;raster&quot; or &quot;vector&quot; graphics, whichever is NOT currently selected; select to &quot;print text as graphics&quot;<br>
3. (My money's on this one and I might even try this first.) Close all programs. Delete all *.tmp and ~*.* files from your enter hard drive (usually C:\). Delete everything from C:\windows\temp and MOVE everything out of the C:\windows\start menu\programs\startup directory (DELETE findfast if it's in there). Run a scandisk (if it's not NT) and reboot the PC. <br>
4. Reinstall your printer/driver.<br>
5. Start pasting your files to MS Paint, save them as BMP files. Then Insert-Picture-From file and insert them using the LINK option, don't embed them.<br>
6. In my humble opinion: reinstalling Word will NOT help.<br>
Good luck!
As an application trainer and creating most of my handouts and manuals, I have come across the same problem with Word 97. There is nothing I can pinpoint as to the cause. It just seems to happen when it wants to! And, yes, I have the SR-2 installed. And yes, the techs here installed the latest print drivers. I have several printers and models to print to: HP, Lexmark and Xerox, and the same thing happens! Even odder, it would print fine one day, and then the next time, some of the graphics would be gone! <br>
Now, I do a print screen and bring my graphics into PaintShop Pro. I edit them, save them and Insert them into Word. I have had no problems since then. Yes, it takes longer, but it sure beats having to go back and do them all over again!<br>
We are also now running Office 2000 but I haven't done much graphics work in it yet. I am hoping the above problem is fixed in Word 2000.
Anyone ever find a solution to this? I have one user that cannot print any graphics (Screenshot or Clip Art).

Have you all checked the settings for placeholders?

Tools/Options/View - picture placeholders?

I'm not sure why, but have found that if I open a file, that had the placeholders, instead of showing the graphic, that all future files are that way until I switch it . . .

I don't know what OS you're using, but I had a user with same problem using Word 97 on a NT 4.0 machine. I deleted users profile. When user logged back on, graphics printed no problem.
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