Hello. Our business is currently using Office 2000. We are making the switch to Office 2007, and I have a question on template locations. We currently have hundreds of custom templates for word 2000 stored on the network in a common location. (In word 2000 you can set the template directory by going to tools-options-file locations, and set the template directory.)
I cannot seem to find a similar setting for Word 2007. How do I point word 2007 to a network location to look for templates? Is there a way to have this work in addition to the current Word 2007 templates? If I could have the best of both worlds, I'd like it to show words default templates, as well as our custom ones when a user chooses File - New.
Thanks in advance
I cannot seem to find a similar setting for Word 2007. How do I point word 2007 to a network location to look for templates? Is there a way to have this work in addition to the current Word 2007 templates? If I could have the best of both worlds, I'd like it to show words default templates, as well as our custom ones when a user chooses File - New.
Thanks in advance