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WinXP PRO and Hardware Malfunction problem...

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Feb 8, 2003
Hi there,

Got a problem with installing XP on my MS-6309 v2.0 Mobo with a P III (1gHz), Maxtor 6GB (or Fujitsu 10GB) HD, Fujitsu 4801 CD-R/W, nVidia G2MX400D gfx card, 256mb Infineon RAM, Latest AMI Bios for the MoBo (even tried an older version of AWARD BIOS (siemens))...

Install will halt with the error message 'Hardware malfunction ... call your vendor for support ... system halted' ... problem with W2k pro aswell... this happens just shortly after install beginns, ie. by the NTFS formatting of the HD (even by trying to install on a FAT32 partition)...

what can cause this problem? seeing that I've installed Win98 SE and am using it at the moment to type this text!

ran AMI-DIAG (sisoft sandra aswell) and system checks out fine...

Can anyone help on this subject?


Hi There BBB,

I have seen this kind of thing happen. The only thing that seemed to work was to clear the partitions on the drive and format it. Boot into Windows2k/XP cdrom and install from there

General rule of thumb for XP and 2k is to install a copy onto a completely formatted fresh disk. Upgrades cause probs.


Try install with any sound, network, modem & network cards removed (or disabled in bios, if onboard). I see you have a CD writer - do you have CD/DVD ROM too? If so, remove writer as well. Also, if enabled in bios, disable virus protection and S.M.A.R.T.

If install now works, put hardware back one piece at a time. Other thing to try - if more than one memory stick, use one at a time.
Hi there,

CBradshaw - tried that... totally new clean install... see I wanted to set it up as XP on one drive and W98 on the other drive... so I could either boot from HD 1 or HD 2 as I saw fit... but found the error, read on...

Wolluf - yep had everything disabled in the BIOS (both AWARD and AMI)... the AWARD BIOS was for the W2K install as it was a Siemens Original CD... the AMI I downloaded from the NET... and yes I had a CD ROM no DVD... did it BASIC... meaning just RAM (one stick the Infineon its good) one gfx card (got three tried all of them no go) one HD (got three, two blanks (6gb and 10gb) and a 60gb which I got W98se installed on (which I wasn't using at all to install XP)) and still no go... but found the error...

Damn MoBo is going out (whew still got warranty hehe at least) while taking out the gfx cards I noticed a capacitor bulging one that is right next to the CPU... seeing as that W98 was allready up and running and it's not as finicky as W2k/XP it just works and no error reports...

thanx anyhow guys for the quick replies...

Hi there,

update to the problem - replaced MoBo, updated the BIOS on it, plugged in the G2MX400 gfx card, HD and CD-R/RW and CD-Rom, installed WinXP on my 60gb HD - SAME PROBLEM persists... back to square one, darn...

I had similar problem, after struggling for long, I found a solution & that was to reduce the Frequency of CPU under CMOS Setup.
Try it out.

thanx for the info 321 did what you suggested and guess what? the damn thing installed cleanly and is up and running... had to cripple the system down to 866 mhz (what a waste) the only problem I see at the moment is that the FSB is at 115mhz but my PCI bus is upped to 38mhz... the only way to do it on this P**C**....

thanx again for all of your help...

I'm not as knowledgeable as you guys but it sounds like I had a simmilar problem with my abit bx133 raid mother board.
I was getting the blue screen saying sys halt call vendor too.
I upgraded the bios,
changed memory,
used with and without the raid IDE
before I ever found the definate solution the board started to die on me.
It appears the capacitors on this board started to blow.
I found that Intel no longer supported the Intel 440BX chipset (82443BX and 82371EB) and I found that on this abit the PCI slot 3 was supposed to be left empty if I used the raid IDE 3&4.
I don't know if my posting helps.

Hola Ricefd,

BIOS is at the latest stand...
Memory had been replaced before to a namebrand (Infineon) and works like a charm...

only had video card and nothing else...

see old mobo was dying, found one of the caps going bad, replaced mobo and still had the same problem...

end of story, the PC is running slow... 866 mhz where as the CPU and MoBo are set up to run at 1100 mhz...

I run Win98 with overclocking at around 1100 mhz and it is stable no errors, the same goes for Linux with no problems... but Win2K and XP both will not even run at 900 mhz... it's a waste of performance... and I am telling you net next Computer I buy will not be a windoze system...

I am going PowerPC with eithe Linux, MacOS, or the new AmigaOS...

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