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winoldap not responding when loggin into desktop win98SE

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Jun 14, 2001
It doesn't happen every time and each time it does happen it occurs differently.

When logging into the PC it'll stop responding and will either stop: before icons are displayed, half icons displayed or all displayed but won't be able to click on any button/icon. WHen i press CTRL-ALT-DELETE i'll see winoldap not responding half the time and the other half everything appears fine. Once i cancel out of the end task box, without end tasking or rebooting..just canceling....the system will work fine.

I noticed once i uninstalled the AV everything worked fine so there is some conflict between the AV update (its pushed to the PC from the server) and some file/startup program, dll....not sure. Has this happened to anyone? Is winoldup simply allowing the update to run ? or is it another program. I seem to recall it is used for 386 programs but can't remember details.

Thanks in advance.
anything with a .old file extinsion should be deleted because it belongs to the old win3.1 and is still in some of the win95 versions. I have an oem 98 version and it had 2 still in it that I deleted.. anyway you can go to start>run>type in msconfig then to tab startup and uncheck everything on there if you want and it will still startup but don't uncheck systray thats the clock or any other program that you want to run at start the more programs that run at start the longer it takes to start.. I only have 2 programs checked system tray and callwave the others are there if I need them I turn them on.. try it If it dosen't work recheck them. have fun
Thanks for the post. I am aware of removing programs from MSCONFIG and have removed everything except what i need. I'll try removing anything with .old and see if that helps. Apparently the AV is searching for the 3.1x directory even though i don't have that OS selected in the distribution from server.


Not to be controversial but a blanket or shotgun approach to "winoldap" may
be a bit hasty. I have included a quote from a respected poster in Newsgroups.
The following is from his last article...URL is available if you want

===Start Quote==========================
In general, it helps if you mention what kind of connection you use, and/or
through whom. Saying it happens to you, with your connection, is like saying
something happens to you, with your car. The first thing the mechanic
needs to know is WHAT KIND of car. It is possible you might happen
across a mechanic or auto parts store technician that happens to have
the same kind of car, and has had the same thing go wrong, and they
might be able to help you. However, for the most part, it is much
easier for the mechanic--or the connection group regular--to be of help, if
they know what kind of <whatever> it is they are helping with.

I am unfamiliar with that problem. From your description, I could guess
you have either an internal DSL modem (or USB), or a PPPoE connection,
using connection software on your Windows machine. Here, I use a
straight Ethernet connected DSL modem, with straight IP over ATM
connections, so all I run on my machine is the standard NIC drivers and
IP stack.

Non-the-less, I DO know what &quot;WinOldAp&quot; is--it is a DOS program running
in a window. The DOS virtual machine in Windows is called WinOldAp.
Thus, one could speculate that the connection/deconnection process
either makes use of a DOS batch file, with one of the programs called
hanging, causing it to freeze, or a DOS program, which freezes.
Apparently, it does what it is supposed to, and freezes on exit, so
ending task on the program allows the rest of the process to proceed.
===End Quote==========================

Winamp is at least one program that would be affected, and there are others.
Perhaps, you should proceed with caution...

I think that last URL and question and answer number 5 may be what you are looking for. I tried it on my computer and it didn't cause any harm. I think it helped some hanging problems I'm having. &quot;A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.....&quot; [morning]
This has to do with a &quot;Geometric Management&quot; program and is just an example of what can cause your problem, so I guess the actual procedure doesn't apply unless you are using that particular program. You might do a Google search and come up with something, I've exhasted my resources and embarassed myself enough! &quot;A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.....&quot; [morning]
This is about winoldap. Question on 4-10-02. I have the same problem with winoldap. It is not listed in MSConfig. How do I find It? I would like to put it into the recycle bin and see what effect it has. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks for your help.
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