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winlogon comes up after upgrade to client 4.9 sp2

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Apr 15, 2003
Hello Everyone
I have client 4.83 sp2 on all machines but now I was going to test the 4.9 sp2 and I get a strange problem:
I might also mention that I´m running zfd 3.2.

I installed 4.9 sp2 over my 4.83 sp2 installation. When I reboot the machine and login in the novell login box I get the windows login box asking for username and password, just as if zenworks isn´t working, it should create an account on the box but it seems like it isn´t doing that ? Does anyone recognize this problem or know what it might be caused by ?

When I tried doing the same installation on another box with the same config but without the zenworks boot partition on the harddrive it worked fine with the login...
you expect zen to create a local account. How did you set up DLU?
I´m not sure what you mean...
The thing is, when I install 4.83 SP2 client I just install all components and set the tree name and that´s basically all I have to do. Then when I login the profile is located on the server and a local account is created on every machine a user logs into.
Is there any difference with 4.9 sp2 ? shouldn´t I just be able to install that over 4.83 sp2 and I´m ready to go ?

Ok, now I am confused. ;)
With the nw client, you still need to have a local account on the windows PC. The Netware gina (nwgina.dll) replaces gina.dll and becomes your login. The Netware client simply syncronizes the two logins - to netware and to the local PC - so you don't see the windows login as a seperate item.
If you don't have a local account on the PC, the client does not create one for you.
Zenworks *can* create a local account on the fly with a feature known as 'dynamic local user', or DLU for short. Your eDir rights enable you to then log on to any PC whether you have a local account or not. DLU accounts can be persistant or session only. I think 3.2 can do this, not 100% sure though. 4.x can.
In your case, it sounds like the client is not set to syncronize the windows pw and novell pw. Under "advanced" in the login screen, make sure the user under the windows tab is the same as the user who is logging in to Netware.
Next, under client properties, there is a box (under advanced IIRC) which controls whether the NW client syncs the user with the local windows account. Make sure this is set correctly (you want it to sync so you don't see the windows login)
I can't seem to find that setting anywhere in my client properties. Can you be more specific? (I'm working on a problem unrelated to this thread).

under client properties, the Advanced Login tab. Scroll down to "copy netware username to windows". Dflt is "off". Turn it on and it will automagically send the netware login name to windows to login.
Hope that helps!
ITsmyfault - but this option doesn't seem to work anymore.
You might like to try this tips I found on the Novell support site.
1. There must be only one zenpol32.dll and it must be in "C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks".

2. "C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks" must be in the PATH.
Open a cmd window and type: PATH
Look at the output on the screen and verify that "C:\Program Files\Novell\ZENworks" is listed among the other paths.

3. Treename needs to be correct under:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\Workstation Manager\Identification]
"Tree"="XXX" REG_SZ

4. If the Novell account allows simpler passwords than the Windows Password Policy, and you log in to eDirectory
with a password simpler than the Windows Password Policy, DLU will fail.

5. DLU is disabled on the workstation:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Novell\Workstation Manager]
"DLUAllowed"="0" REG_DWORD
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