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WinFIOL 5, hanging up modem connections ? 1

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Mar 11, 2003
I have a minor irritation with WinFIOL 5 and modem conenctions - in that I can dial them fine from the phonebook, I can save them in the phonebook just fine, I can use them just fine, but when I come to disconnect, nothing I can do (other than pull the cable or close the channel) will hang up the modem.

Anyone got any ideas ?
What type of modem do you use? is it an internal/external modem? What is the type of modem your MD is connected to? What is your OS?
Try sending ~+++~ATH0 in TTY (not buffer)
... where ~ = minimum 1s pause.
I think it depends on PC settings. For example, can't dial from the first time - a pause - then request for channel properties, I just push OK and then OK. If I first dialled from another program - everything is all right.
I agree with Vitenari try sending +++ and wait for few seconds u should hear the disconnection and then send ATH0.
After ATH0
If ur modem speaker is off u wont hear the disconnection noise.
Hmmmm - no - the modem simply doesn't behave as it does in HyperTerminal (for example). If I send +++ in HT the modem returns an OK (the modem should still be online at this time, but passing no data as the '+++' is simply an escape sequence) but I can then issue "ATH" (because I'm still online to the modem's command line) and it hangs up.

In WinFIOL no such luck - and I've now tried with 3 different (and I mean totally different) modems - one internal PCMCIA hardware modem, one software modem and one GPRS modem - all exhibit this behaviour - but only in WinFIOL - they all behave exactly as I'd expect in Hyperterminal and other terminal emulators I've tried...... [sad]
To QuiltedCamel :

I suppose the channel protocol you chose = modem(telephony)
This means that WinFIOL will control your modem via TAPI protocol. if you want FULL control over your modem, select RS232 protocol, the only drawback is that you cannot use the phonebook anymore. I solved this by developing an application that is linked to our customer database from which you can dial directly to winfiol (via DDE and windows messaging).

So basically either WinFIOL is not sending the TAPI hangup request or all of the modems are dishonouring the TAPI hangup request.... 5 modems, 1 WinFIOL - I wonder [bigglasses]
A bit of further information....

All of the affected systems are accessed via Tracker 2600/2650 modems - another system I administer has a standard modem attached to it and I can hang that one up no problem, so I guess the Trackers are not honouring the "+++" escape sequence.
To close out of a Tracker session....

;ESC (This breaks the connection to the serial port to the switch)
;QT (This drops the Tracker connection)

Make sure it's in Capitals.....

Good Luck
Thanks Himate - now all I need to work out is why the hell we use these things in the first place - some of them seem to be limited to 2400 baud, and I've got at least 1 modem that 2400 baud poses problems for.....
What's your email address and I'll send you a Tracker User guide....
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