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Windows XP Pro IN-place upgrade - setup fails, just restarts

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Technical User
Aug 24, 2004
I recently attempted an in place upgrade with windows XP pro, the problem is that at the end of the setup, the computer restarts and i get an incorrect shutdown message and the options of booting up in safe mode, normal, last known config etc. - None of which work. If I boot from the CD again, the installation will just start at step 3 (installing) and the same error happens. I tried the recovery also, that too doesn't help. There is data on the drive so i dont want to do a clean install. The only thing that I have not tried is the recovery console, as it asks for an administrator password - which I had left blank.

-_- I need assistance quite urgently
Another thing, when I attempt to boot in safe mode, I can't because its unable to load 'a347bus.sys'. I have Windows XP Pro with Service Pack 2 installed.
These may not help you but its worth having a look

How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP

'The Password Is Not Valid' Error Message Appears When You Log On to Recovery Console in Windows XP

How to enable an administrator to log on automatically in Recovery Console

You Are Prompted to Type a Password After You Upgrade to Windows XP

How to recover from a corrupted registry that prevents Windows XP from starting

Google Groups With Similar Problem

Take a look though here aswell
Excuse the triple post.

I've used this utility - so now I can access the recovery console.

I tried to do a system restore using these steps:

- go to recovery console
- type cd \ then enter
- then cd "System Volume Information\_resto~1" then enter
- type dir then enter
when you hit <Enter> it will list all the restore points folders
like rp1,rp2........ we have to see the last restore point to copy
the file from a recent backup. if the restore points have more than
one page then u have keep on hitting the <Enter> key to view the
last restore point folder. You will have to choose the second to the
last option, if it has more than 2 RP's.
- type cd rp {the second to the last restore point no. } (Note :
Example : cd rp9, if rp9 is the second to the last restore point,
where last restore point no.=9 )
- then type cd snaphot
Now the command Prompt will look like this c:\system~1\_resto~1\rp9
- type: copy _registry_machine_system c:\windows\system32
\config\system OR:
copy _registry_machine_softwarec:\windows\system32\config\software
- then type exit

However I can't seem to find any _restore folders in the SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION directory when I use the dir command in it.

Where can I go from here to fix my XP installation?
How to install and use the Recovery Console in Windows XP

I was going to add, it may be best for you to download knoppix a linux distro that fits on a cd, you can then access your hdd though that a save important files to CD.
Then progress through to a proper reformat.
If i could find it linney has a vast collection of useful MS links to help you in this situation, there is a command line code that for the hell of me i cant remember that would let you check your system files are ok and if they are not fix them, and run a scandisk etc to try and let you back
Hope this helps,
Ill try that as a last resort probably

Right now I *CAN* access my recovery console thanks to the wonderful utility I mentioned above, so I hope I have more options.

I think that If I can somehow get rid of the problem of safe mode not staring due to ''a347bus.sys'' Ill be in safe water. Or if there is some place I can find where my system restore points seem to have disapeared to -_-

I searched a bit about that file and it seems its related to the program ALCOHOL 120% which I do have installed.

Is there some way I can remedy the problem of it hindering safe mod? I have access to the recovery console, and also a functional registry editor (thanks to the utility at again)
Stop posting that link ;-)
Have you made sure that your PC boots from CDROM in the bios and not from the CD?
Found this as a remedy to your issue

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Alcohol 120" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Alcohol_120%\setup.msi /qn REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS " /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Alcohol_120%\DaemonScript.exe VD1.daemonscript " /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Alcohol_120\register.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 3 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Alcohol_120\register2.reg" /f

Dont know how to make it work mind

Thats the link try googling the file name you will see several people have this issue!
Through the recovery console I disabled a347bus.sys, but no no avail. The error message no longer occurs when trying to boot into safe mode but it still restarts.

I attempted to follow the instructions on but I can't do the cd \$ntservicepackuninstall$\, and when i DIR in c:\windows I dont even see that folder.

>_< Whats going on here? I dont have the SP2 uninstall folder nor the system restore point folders.
Try using the Attrib command to change the hidden attributes of $ntservicepackuninstall$.
Ok ill try that, but I was under the impression that in recovery console all files and folders were visible, and even its hidden i should still be able to CD/ into it right?

Update: Ok I made some progress by using the DISABLE command in recovery - "DISABLE A347BUS" to completely remove that command from boot. This lets me get into safe mode but its trying to continue installation - ill post after thats done and see what happens next.
try this;
set your initial vid card to pci in the bios, if you have an onboard agp vid card, disable it, install a pci card and try again(only to get through the setup procedure)
after installing, remove the pci, install the agp card, and reverse what you did before boot...

btw, is this a dell?
if it is, you may need to flash the bios using the latest upgrade, i seem to remember this problem.....
i seem to remember, though, that it was an agp onboard issue in my case....maybe not, its been since last october i think....hope the rambling helps....

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
Nope, not a DELL

-_- agh after finishing the install loop i cant go into safe mode anymore even after disabling a347

I called microsoft tech support (offering free phone support for SP2 related issues) but they had to kick it up to 'Tier 2' tech support which will call me back in 24/48 hours =/ which is too long.

Im going to go and try to get back into safe mode again now, gah I need some magical recovery console commands that can unbork my installation.
Interesting: When I press F8 and choose to disable reboot on error I get to see the bluescreen and the following error is displayed

STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF9E49528, 0x00000034, 0x00000000)

Searching on this gave sites about two things, lacking mass storage device drivers and lacking motherboard drivers...
A device driver that the computer boot controller needs is not configured to start during the startup process"

I think thats it, but Mass storage device= ?


I found that and he seems to have gone through similair steps as me, and has similair programs installed. The CD I have been using so far is a copy of XP with sp2 integrated - I think Ill take my computer over to my friends house tommorow to see if his original XP CD can fix my problem like the person in the thread linked above.

I've managed to boot not just to safe mode, but into normal mode with all my settings, programs seemingly intact.

I didnt use the orig. cd like i planned, this is what I did:

I disabled and deleted both a347bus and a347scsi

I deleted the atapi.sys from my system and copied in a new version from a Windows 2003 server CD

I reset my boot.ini file

I ran a fixboot command

Now I rebooted and did a restore install with the XP SP2 CD i have, as usual it completed - and on next reboot it started to setup xp from the third step again. But this time after finishing it was succesful and booted normally!

Thank goodness im back at my desktop now, but some lingering problems remain, when I right click on certain things - such as objects in the quicklaunch bar I get 'The instruction written at "0x0247415b" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written".' followed by the entire s creen blanking for a second and then all the icons etc. slowly reappearing - an explorer crash. One time a dialog box about 'dr watson post mortem' also appeared.
Let me clarify what I said above, it seems now that the error happens whenever I try to right click on a shortcut (.lnk) file, and the number at the beginning changes, but the end remains 0x00000000.
Ah, let me clarify that AGAIN, its not just .lnk files - right clicking on lots of files brings up that error.

<=== Some people experiencing the same problem after SP2

A picture of the watson dialog:
Windows is functional, but not being able to right click is quite annoying.
Yeay! I think I fixed this problem to - it being a result of incompatiblity with divx and DEP - the remedy:

How to disable DEP

To disable DEP, perform the following actions:

* Click Start -> Run
* Enter Notepad %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Boot.ini
* Under [operating systems] replace the parameter /NoExecute=xxxxx with /Execute
* Save the Boot.ini file
* Restart your computer

I haven't restarted my computer yet but it seems that this should fix it!
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