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Windows XP/ME network, computers don't see each other

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Technical User
Mar 18, 2002
Looking for some help with my home network setup.

I trying to run a small two computer network using the SMC ADSL Barricade Router SMC7401BRA. I have no problem connecting to the internet from both computers. But neither computer can see each other on a local network.

My configuration is as follows:

1. Computer running Windows XP Professional
1. Computer running Windows Me
1. SMC EtherEZ Hub 3608T-EZ
1. SMC ADSL Barricade Router SMC7401BRA

Both of my computers are connected to the SMC ADSL Barricade Router SMC7401BRA via the SMC EtherEZ Hub 3608T-EZ. As I stated above, both can access the internet with no problem. I ran the Windows XP Network Wizard on both computers but still cannot see each other. I looked all through the manual that I downloaded from the SMC-Europe website for the SMC ADSL Barricade Router SMC7401BRA and as far as I can see everything is set up correctly. I have tried to ping each computer directly and can not connect.

The setup on my Windows XP computer is as follows:
IP Address. . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . :

The setup on my Wndows Me computer is as follows:
IP Address. . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . :

I do not have DHCP enabled in the WAN configuration settings of the Barricade Router, should I? If I should, what should I use for the host name?

When I run the diagnostic test from withing the Barricade Router configuration utility, everything passes.

I am really confused, I am sure that the problem lies with some type of configuration error within the Barricade Router or Windows XP settings. Any assistance in solving this problem is greatly appreciated.
You don't need to enable DHCP if you've assigned IP addresses to each computer which I assume that you have done. If you can't ping the other computer by IP address, but the internet works correctly, I would say that you have a firewall running that's interfering.

Thanks, I disabled the firewall on both clients and now they see each other. Now I just neet to figure out how to reconfigure the firewall so that they can continue to see each other.

Thanks again for helping.

If you've got a router, you don't really need a firewall on the individual machines (router acts as one - your machine IP addresses are internal, so can't be seen on the internet).

Thanks for your reply, but is it not better to have double the protection with a firewall and a router? Is it possible to put a firewall on your router? or if using Norton Personal Firewall (as I am)Is it possible to just open specific ports so that my two computers can communicate with each other?

Thanks, Mike
The SMC in question supports DHCP and NAT henceforth there is no real need or requirement for any PC behind the Router to be running a firewall as all suspect traffic will be picked up at router level.
I have the same problem too,
I have 3 computers
A adsl modem, 1 hub(windows xp), which is my computer I use most of the time, and a router, with the two other computers connected to it, one is win98 other is winxp.

NONE of them can ping/connect to each other in games(LAN), or send files over any program...this is really strange, I know how to get into my ROUTER configuration, but i really dont know what to do in it

i have this ROUTER

SMC7004VBR - Barricade™ Cable/DSL Broadband Router

swashbuckler - you might have been better starting new thread.

How id TCP/IP configured (eg, is the router configured to act as DHCP server & machines set to pick up automatically?)

If you run ipconfig (XP command prompt) or winipcfg (98) what does it tell you?

btw, what does '1 hub(windows xp), which is my computer' mean (the hub part).
1hub(windows xp) means..

the computer I use the most is running XP hooked up to a HUB, the other two are on a router...

if i do ipconfig on my HUB computer
i get

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : my.host.isp.net
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : 142.59.my.ip
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

on the computer that has win98 thats connected to the ROUTER
says this
IP ADDRESS: (that IP is not a IP from my ISP.. my router makes it like that)

my other computer running XP which is also connected to the ROUTER says something like this

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : blank
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

no comps can connect/ping/transfer files to each other
and i have the SMC router's firewall disabled

"How id TCP/IP configured (eg, is the router configured to act as DHCP server & machines set to pick up automatically?)"

i dont really know because i dont really understand what that means, i can find out if u tell me how!

Well it looks like 98 & non-hub XP machine are picking up IP address from router (ie, its acting as a DHCP server).
So, they should be able to at least ping each other. They will need to have shared resources (folders/drives//printers) to be able to see each other (98 will need file & printer sharing installed if not already, XP should have it by default).

Bit confused by other (hub) machine. What's 142.59.my.ip (is my.ip because you don't want it published?). Is this manually input or picked up from your ISP? Is the ADSL line plugged into the router, the hub or the hub machine? Why have you got a hub and a router? That router (from your link) has 4 ports - so you should have all 3 machines connected to it (& the ADSL line on the uplink connection). You don't need a hub.
here is a diagram of the problem
for a better understanding
ummm i have my comp connected to the HUB because if i connect it to the router, all the ports are blocked, and in the ROUTER config i try to open the ports it doesnt work
so the only way i figured out is using the hub to play.

i put 142.59.my.ip because i didnt want it published heh
The diagram certainly helps. In your situation, the hub is not needed. The XP machine that is connected to the hub needs to be set to obtian it's ip address automatically like the others. The router is the only device that should have the 142.59.my.ip IP address.
I am having simular issues right now. I have a Laptop and PC connected to my wireless broadband router. My PC is connected to the router with cable. However, my Laptop is connected wirelessly. I have gone through windows to try to set up a network connection between the two computers to create a work group. I go through all the prompts and insert my XP CD in the end. I restart my computer and I still don't have any connections. Any ideas??
As wolluf mentioned earlier, a new poster/problem should start a new thread, but anyway...

RyanGlas, what makes you think that you 'still don't have any connections'? Can the machines ping each other or the router? Can they ping any web site by name or IP address?

The XP machine that is connected to the hub needs to be set to obtian it's ip address automatically like the others. The router is the only device that should have the 142.59.my.ip IP address.

how do i do that
The router should already have that address. As far as the XP hub machine...Start, Control Panel, Network and Internet Connections, Network Connections, right click on your Local Area Connection, Properties, Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Properties, Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS automatically.
it was alread on obtain ip address and dns automatically

so if i hook up the hub computer to the router i will be able to transfer files between them?
Make sure you have "netbios over tcpip" enabled on ALL systems.
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