I'm running Netware Client 4.90.O.O SP1a on a 450 Series Gateway laptop with Windows XP version 2002 SP1. The Laptop is only 3 weeks old. My server is running Netware 4.11. I have two desktop Gateway computers running Windows XP and client 4.83 as these were purchased about 11 months ago. I also have an older 450 series Gateway laptop running 4.83. With the new client 4.90 SP1a installed I can log into the server succesfully. I can see all the folders. However, if a folder contains a large number of files (over 30 is an estimate), I get an extended delay trying to open the folder. The delay lasts about 30 seconds. Then I get the following message. 'F:\C55 is not accessible. The specified network name is no longer available.' With all my other computers on the network I can not only get into the folder in question but access is almost instantaneous. I have tried attaching the laptop to a client's Novell network and get exactly the same results. Now if I install the Network Client that came with XP, I'm able to access the above folder however with 4.90 SP1a I cannot get access. I would appreciate any help in advance.