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Windows XP ...Connect...Can't Browse 1

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Apr 26, 2002
Hi All!!
I work for an ISP and since we started supporting Windows XP, we started having calls that we cannot resolve..which is sort of embarrassing to tell someone that we cannot help them because XP is new and we dont have the knowledge to help them yet!!!

Here is the problem:
Our members using Windows XP (usually Pro)
They our connecting via our PPPoe xDSL service..
They dont have any problems connecting and getting an ip...
But they get a regular Connect /Can't Browse.... (The Page Cannot Be Displayed)
Now usually with 95,98,Me & 2000 we can do a battery of things..like re-install tcp/ip, uninstall firewalls...disable other nics and even remove registry keys like winsock2...but with XP we seem to be limited and nothing we have tried, short of re-installing the os, has never worked...

We tried the NETSH to reset tcp/ip...(because as some of you know you can't re-install tcp/ip)...re-installing IE6/OE6 from setup...deleted the contents of the host file...recreating the PPPoe or dialup connection...even tried removing the winsock2 key in registry to no avail
Its obviously not the service because it works on other os they have on other machines...the actual machines worked on dsl with other os...not drivers either because it happens to more and more people ...

The funny part is that, in most cases, we can ping the member, the member can ping ips..and in half the cases...they can even ping domains (urls)

As usual, the Microsoft Database is not much help (I've found anyway)

If anyone has any ideas...I would be really greatfull...


Yours Truly


First thing I would check is if the XP firewall in active.
Then try browsing to the site by IP address. is yahoo.com see if they get an error page from yahoo.
The following is from M$ XP pro trouble shooting ping but no browse (article Q314095)
If you can ping the IP address of your DNS server, but cannot connect to a server on the Internet by using its FQDN, your DNS server may not be resolving host names properly. If more than one DNS server is available for your ISP, configure your computer to use a different DNS server. If using another DNS server resolves the issue, contact your ISP to correct the issue with the original DNS server.

When you have verified the correct IP address for your DNS server, update the TCP/IP settings for your dial-up connection to your ISP. To change or add a valid IP address for your DNS server for a Dial-Up Networking phonebook entry, follow these steps:
In Control Panel, double-click Network Connections .

Right-click your Internet connection, click Properties , and then click the Networking tab.

Click the Internet Protocol adapter, and then click Properties .

Click Use the following DNS server addresses , and then type the correct IP address in the Preferred DNS Server box.

Click OK , and then click OK again.
The firewall has been disabled if active @ the time....
We can't ping the DNS servers because they are ping-proof..
But its not a problem with the DNS server because we would get like a thousand calls @ the same time for this...
We also tried putting in the DNS server addressed in the connection settings (even though should be attributed by server)..that did not work either...
Browsing by IP also does not work

Thx For your Input!!!

to my understanding, i don't think it's anything with dsn or whatever,

this is what i recommend, ask the user if they ever get to get online with xp ever before they get that error message,

if they said yes they was able to brose the web before, then it's must have been b/c they went to some pages that have have a script that directed them to the a specific page and it get error, i had this happened before, i could ping but not visit websites, if this is the problem, then it could be fixed by going into Internet Options of IE and change it under then Conecctiong tab, just make sure Use automatic configuring script is not checked, or get netscape and try to browse,

Actually, we checked that also...
Some people could browse before and some were on a brand new install without anything installed except drivers for they hardware...Its just really weird
I have had problems with DSL and XP on occasion myself.I can get to the Internet almost every time,but I sometimes have to reset the modem and reboot the computer to get access.

I have exactly the same problem with nearly the exact same
hardware setup.

Here is my current guess after two days of screwing around
with this:

I am willing to bet that the machines having problems are
UPGRADE installations of WinXP from previous releases of
Windows. I am further guessing that the registry was
tweaked to speed-up ADSL by adjusting MTU size among other

Try this, for example.
Ping -f -l 1500
Now keep dropping down the -l number till you get error
free packets. (Mine was at 1454)

Now set the MTU and other values to this number.
Actually you can reset TCP/IP by unchecking TCP/IP in the properties of the NIC and reboot, recheck TCP/IP and reboot again.
is your isp using third party ppoe software if so this should stop xp has its own and everyone should be setup manually in the network connection wizard as a broadband connection requiring a user name and a password.

if you can ping by name and ip address you can replace the winsock2 file by sending the customer the same version (home or pro) winsock2 known good copy.

reinstall of ie or oe q318348 or right click the ie or oe inf file and insert xp cd and point install to the xp cd drive and i386 folder.

tcpip can also be reinstalled with the same method.

firewalls and spyware can also cause the page cannot be displayed.

always start with the basics delete cookies files and downloaded program files and restore defaults of ie,and lan settings and remove all checks.
Try this:

run ipconfig/all and look at the value for "Node Type"
If the type is "Unknown" then run regedit.

To this key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services (cont'd) Netbt\Parameters

Add the item:


as a DWORD with a value of 1

Exit regedit.

Under Network Properties, TCP/IP use the Advanced Tab to
make sure that under WINS the LMHOSTS file is unchecked.

Now reboot.

Bill Castner
I had a similar problem when I added a broadband service to my laptop and also had a similar problem with a friend who added a virtual private network (vpn) connection. It seems that Windows XP doesn't like more than one means of connecting to the internet.

When I deleted all the connections on my laptop that used the modem the problem stopped. It's a pain if I'm out and about and want to use a phone line because I have to add a connection first but when I'm at home I can plug straight in to the network and go on line.

My friend had broadband access and we added a vpn connection. The same thing started to happen with him, when he wasn't connected to the vpn his computer would ask to be connected when he was browsing the net even though he had a perfect braodband connection. Once we deleted the vpn connection everything went back to normal.

I'm not guaranteeing if this is the answer but it may be worth asking your customers to delete all their old connections so that they only have the dsl connection on their computers. As an extra thought where I have a shared connection and a lan there didn't seem to be a problem with the lan. That connection is ok and doesn't affect my ability to browse web sites or collect mail.

Hope this is of some use,
I am having this problem with a dial-up connection to my ISP. I bought my laptop in late August 2002 and it came with XP Pro already installed and activated. I am able to connect to my office network and browse the internet there. But, when I go home and try to use my dial-up connection to my ISP, the system will connect but I can't browse. I have been able to ping yahoo and various other websites, but ftp will not work and I cannot browse. I have turned off my anti-virus software and all firewalls, but it has not helped. The ISP and laptop vender are clueless.
Not sure if this applys since I'm using dial-up, but thought I'd throw it out there.

I have a problem with a laptop running XP Pro on an NT Small Business Server 4.5 network and Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0, Service Pack 1. When I try to dial in from home, I couldn't browse, ftp, etc.

I've found that if you go to the Control Panel in Classic View and open the WSP Client window (WinSock Proxy Client), my system was configured to use my network server for proxy updates. Uncheck both boxes here, save, reboot, and your system should be able to dial in and browse the web. I still need to take my laptop into work to see if the network connection still works.

The DSL service that I use is PPPoE and I use XP Pro. I didn't have the problem that is occuring because of a router that I use that handles PPPoE. This way the system doesn't deal with the protocol, the router does all the work. It is a LinkSYS firewall/router and although it will cost about 40-80 dollars, it is a lot better than relying on ms firewall.
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