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Sep 20, 2000
I am installing Windows 98 SE onto a machine from scratch. I format the disk and install Win 98 on the machine and everything goes fine until the second reboot (after it detects the plug and pray devices ;-)). When it reboots the second time, it gives me the following error:


C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\vmm32.vxd: Missing/unable to load.

Of course if I reboot again, I get the same error!! I have searched this forum and many others on the web and have found a lot of stuff about UMAX scanners being the problem, but I don't have a UMAX scanner or any scanner attached for that matter. In fact, I removed everything except the video card and reinstalled and got the same result. I've tried extracting the file from the Win98 CD. I've searched throught the autoexec.bat, windows.ini, and config.sys files for references to it. I've scoured the web for someone who is haveing the exact same problem I'm having, but no luck.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks Mike Rohde
"If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization!"
MOre than likely it is some wrong jumper setting on the motherboard. Cross check the jumper settings on motherboard with those specified in the manual.

Atleast this solution resolved the problem when I faced it.

All the best
Bad Ram could cause it, a flaky (or too small) HD can cause it. Wrong FSB/power settings can cause it. Corrupted install CD can cause it. Flaky video card can cause it. Bad L2 cache can cause it. Cheers,
Try one of the two following to get your PC up and running:
To resolve this behavior, use the appropriate method:

Method 1
At the command prompt, type:

dir vmm32.vxd /s

If the Vmm32.vxd file is not found, you must install Windows 95 or Windows 98 again. If the Vmm32.vxd file is found, note the folder in which it is located, and then continue with step 2.

At the command prompt, type the following commands, pressing ENTER after each command

cd windows
ren folder system

where folder is the folder you noted in step 1.

Restart your computer.

Method 2
Using a text editor (such as Notepad), edit the Autoexec.bat file and add or modify the PATH line so that it includes the Windows\System folder. For example, add the following line to your Autoexec.bat file:

Please let us (Tek-tips members) know if the solutions we provide are helpful to you. Not only do they help you but they may help others.

James Collins
Computer Hardware Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net
Even though you say there isn't any scanners connected to your computer, there may be a reference to "umaxis11.386" in your system.ini file. To check/fix, try these steps:

1. Boot your computer to a MS-DOS prompt or Restart your computer with a Windows Startup disk

2. Type the following lines, pressing ENTER after each line:

cd windows
edit system.ini
3. Press ALT+S, and then press F.

4. Type umaxis11.386, and then press ENTER.

5. If found, disable the line containing "Umaxis11.386" by placing a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line.

6. Press ALT+F, press X, and then press Y.

7. Remove the Windows Startup disk (if used) and then restart your computer into normal mode.

If this doesn't fix it, try booting using step-by-step mode and note the driver that is trying to load.

For more information, see Microsoft's Knowledge Base article Q191874 at
Well, after trying many of your suggestions and those of my co-workers, I finally stumbled upon the answer....Remove the Windows 98 CD after the 2nd reboot!!!! Simple!! I don't know why the CD was causing the problem, but it was. Thanks to everyone for their help!!

Mike Rohde
"If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization!"
thanks Rohdem , i had the same problem and after i removed the cd, it worked great!
This is crazy. I had the exact same problem on a Digital 3500 P2 300, tried disabling L2 cache, swapping ram, HD's, even so far as turning off all caching in the BIOS (which made screen redraws on the post screen look like I was on a BBS at 300 baud). Then I read this, ejected the CD, and it works!!!!!
I had the same problem and when I read this and ejected the CD it worked fine. Thanks!
I think someone familiar with the processs should sent a bug report to Microsoft on this one.

I had been having the same problem and after reading the first several fix suggestions and trying them to no avail, then simply removing the disk and rebooting, everything worked out fine.

It amazes me that removing the CD allowed the install to finish. Gues since I put the .cab files on the hard drive first then install I never would have RAN into this problem. I thank all of you for showing me something new. :) I will have to remember this one. James Collins
Systems Support Engineer

email: butchrecon@skyenet.net

Please let us (Tek-tips members) know if the solutions we provide are helpful to you. Not only do they help you but they may help others.

I've been facing the same problem for a few days...
To answer your comment, butchrecon, I have to tell you that I have been installing Win98 from the HD all the time, and it didn't work. Bad news is that I get the same problem even if I install from the CD...
found this there articles in desperation,
simple ejected the cd before the second boot and volla!
much thanks....


Wow, is that unbelievable or what! I am a network admin, and ran into this problem, searched the internet and found this solution. Thanks for solving the problem for us. I would have never guessed.

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