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Windows NT Server 4.0 Crash Dump Memory Problem!

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Jan 30, 2001
Has anyone had any experience with a memory dump problem with Windows NT Server 4.0. I recently reinstalled NT fresh because I didn't like my set up before, I was using a SCSI drive and and IDE drive and I finally figured out that IDE will take the first spot as the C drive no matter what you do so anyway, I reinstalled NT with all IDE hard drives now, I wanted to use SCSI but too many problems and I had more disk space on the IDE, anyway once I have NT up and running I can do something for a short while and then it will at a moments notice crash on me and perform this hexadump or crash dump. The only reason I say hexadump is because I see a bunch of numbers and file names next to them and then down at the bottom of my blue screen it says beginning to dump physical memory to disk! I have worked on this thing for weeks now trying to figure out what the problem was. I have switched hard drives I have changed partitions, I have changed the settings in the bios hoping maybe it had to do with that, I have put the SCSI drive back in with the IDE and get it running with NT but it seems no matter what I do It still eventually crashes. Sorry for the long post but I hope someone out there has any idea or knowledge of how I can fix this. I desperately need my system up and running again stable. I have enough memory and enough disk space. Thanks for any help.
I assume you mean the ubiquitous BSOD!

What are the drivers that are listed? If it's a huge list, check the last 10 or so.

What is the exact error message at the top of the screen, if it is a STOP message?

Have you upgraded the drivers for your SCSI card to the latest version provided by your computer's manufacturer?

I hope this is useful
I'm not using SCSI anymore I took that controller and drive out of my system, so now I'm just using two IDE hard drives and I received a message from one other discussion forum that it may have been my CPU and that I need a patch for it, but I went to the manufacturers site which is amd and checked out any patches for the amd k6 2 and there are none. I have just about literally reinstalled NT about 30 times and no luck still the same, so that leads me to believe that it may be a setting in the bios or some other hardware setting that needs to be tweaked. Each time I reinstall NT its still the same problem so it isn't the installation, (I've had enough practice) It has to be something hardware related. Heres a brief summary of what I get whenever the system crashes:

usually but not always it will say at the top left

"Kmode exception not handled address f553c9eh has base rdr.sys"

"CPUid Authentic AMD 5.8 IRQ 1F"

'DLL base date stmp- name address dword dump build name'
(a bunch of numbers and then a file name)
for example ntoskrnl.exe & win32k.sys and these files are listed about 10 times down the column

beginning to dump physical memory to disk

also another error that will occur at the top is page fault in nonpaged area"

oh and by the way thanks for responding guys hey citrixengineer do you work with the remote access program citrix, if so thats funny because my company uses that program for their remote users and people who want to connect to the company network from home.

Thanks for any feedback! Peace
There should be other drivers listed besides ntoskrnl.exe & win32k.sys. These are what will give clues - ie aspidisk.sys, atapi.sys and so on.

Page fault in nonpaged area would suggest (but is not necessarily) a disk access issue, so again, I suspect the disk drivers.

Other common causes are (in reverse order) graphics card drivers, NIC drivers and printer drivers.

Yes, I have worked with Citrix in many applications, including remote access. Feel free to drop a question into the Citrix Solutions forum on this site.

I hope this helps.
I have an SGI 230 Running on WinNT4 Workstation. I sometimes having this ntoskrnl.exe problem.
When blue screen appeared, Error massege
(*** STOP: 0x0000000A (0xF000007C, 0x00000001, 0x80121241)
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL*** Address 80121241 has base at 80100000 - ntoskrnl.exe

Dll Base Data Stmp - Name
80100000 37e8005b - ntoskrnl.exe
- - -
- - -
(and so on)

Address dword dump Build [1381] f76de658 80121241 80121241 00100020 8x0 f7bde690 e20b7658

- Name
- ntoskrnl.exe

Beginning dump of physical memory
Physical memory dump complete.

I haven do anything net only add 1 hardDisk

there is 3 set of SGI 230 with same everything only 1 giving problem
I you have a done a complete re-install of NT and your drivers are good. Chances are its hardware. I have found memory to be the biggest cause of random crashes like this. You start NT and it slowly uses more and more until it hits the bad spot. BSOD!!. Swap you rmemory out our change the bios settings for it.
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