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Windows ME Blue Screen Error Message

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Jul 21, 2003

One of our Windows ME systems seems to have given up the ghost!

We constantly get a blue screen on "normal" restart, which says:

Error: 0D: 0177: 0000315F

On another restart is stated:

Error: 0C: 0177: 0000312A

On another restart is stated:

Error: OD: 0167: 00001695

When we try restarting in Safe Mode. The following error msg's appear: Spool32 caused an error in Shell32.dll then we get:

A blue with the message: Error: 0D: 4F1B: 00000147

Then we get the error: Explorer caused an error in User.exe

Then it just gives us the desktop with the "safe" mode text in the corners but no icons or toolbar

Urgent assistance needed! Can anyone help?

We have tried logging onto the Microsoft Knowledge base but we are getting information overload

HELP! Please don't say we need to re-install Windows!!!
FOR "OD-OC" errors:
1. Update your drivers
2. Terminate-and-stay-resident programs (TSRs), and other settings that are loaded when your computer starts
(use "msconfig": start->run->msconfig->startup uncheck all boxes ->restart...)
3. Check the BIOS settings (RAM timming etc.)
4. Replace the memory module (SOS)
5. Replace the IDE-Data cable
6. Check the Hard-Disk for "Bad Sectors" ("surface scan")
7. Replace "Shell32.dll" & "User.exe" files

From MS:
{Definition of Fatal Exception 0D Error Messages
Fatal exception error messages are codes that are returned by a program in the following situations:

a. If access to an illegal instruction has been encountered
b. If invalid data or code is accessed
c. If the privilege level of an operation is invalid

When any of these situations occur, the processor returns an exception to the operating system, which in turn is handled as a fatal exception error message. In many situations, the exception is non-recoverable and you must either restart or shut down the computer, depending on the severity of the error.
A Fatal Exception 0D is an error message that is most commonly found, but not limited to, out dated or damaged video display adapter drivers and out dated multimedia software; however, this error message has also been know to occur when the Hsflop.pdr file is missing or damaged.}
FOR "Spool32" error (from MS):
Click Start , and then click Run .
Type msconfig in the dialog box.
Click Selective Startup on the General tab, and then click to clear the following check boxes:
Process System.ini File
Process Win.ini File
Load Static VXD's
Load Startup Group Items
Load Environment Variables
NOTE : You must reinstall the printer driver when you disable the Win.ini file because the printer and port information is stored in this file.
Click OK , and then quit the System Information tool . Restart your computer.
FOR "Shell32.dll" error:
To resolve the issue, change the Shell= line in the System.ini file to Shell=explorer.exe. To do this, use the following steps:
1. Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Notepad.
2. On the File menu, click Open.
3. In the File name box, type c:\windows\system.ini, and then click Open.
4. Click Search, and then click Find.
5. In the Find what box, type shell=, and then click Find Next.
6. Type a semi-colon (;) at the beginning of the Shell= line, and then create a new line.
7. On the new line, type shell=explorer.exe, click Save on the File menu.
8. Restart your computer.

"ANTE GEIA"... [morning]
Thanks for the above

Main problem however is that the PC will NOT go into the windows screen even in Safe Mode

Is there something we can do via DOS or is this out of the question?

How can we force the PC to boot into the Windows screen and at least be able to see a desktop?
Thanks all

Turns out the problem was due to "dust"

Opened up the PC to find DUST and muck all over the place

The CPU heatsink fan was not moving and the fans were rigid.

Replaced it and now it all works 100% ok. Fortunately the CPU was still in 1 piece!
Stike the above comment I made

The pc is back to it's old ways we now get the following error msg:

0D: 0167: 000055DD

msgsrv32 has caused an error in setupx.dll

Is it worth just re-formatting & starting again!!!
Even though I am much more sure of this, from running them on my own pc.....
PLEASE consider my posts carefully.......as I'm trying my best to be as close
to 99.9% positve as possible......

I am hurriedly going to and searching through any and all references I made concerning below commands in other posts....to hopefully help correct my mistakes by reposting this "Updated Version" below and salvage what's left of my integrity.......
Run Scandisk in safe mode from the command line...
CTRL+ALT+DEL...to restart
Press and hold down the left CTRL key when the BIOS POST is almost done...right before Starting Windows 98 message appears, and then select
Command Prompt Only option.
Type: win /d:m at the command prompt.......
The box should start in safe mode.....
If it worked....you're now in windows Safe-Mode
go to start>run>type SCANDSKW........Enter
this will check your FAT32 (if you have one)
Once in windows safe-mode you can do much more troubleshooting through System Configuration Utility.

If it "doesn't" boot;
CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart....
Press and hold down the left CTRL key like above....
then select
Safe Mode Command Prompt Only
Type;CD C:\Windows\Command hit Enter
Type in Scandisk C: hit Enter to inspect the C:\ drive.
This will only scan and repair FAT16......

ScanDisk detects lost allocation units and prompts you to recover them as files.
The files will have a .chk extension

CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot........
Press and hold down the left CTRL key during startup, like above....to access the startup menu...and
then try and repeat the "first" step....as listed above from "command prompt only"
If you're successful
Hopefully your in Windows Safe-Mode now......
Once in windows safe-mode you can do much more troubleshooting through System Configuration Utility.

If you never get to Windows there are other command line switches that can be used from the command line, that accomplish the same actions as the advanced area of Sys Config Utility............

Note; Selecting Safe Mode Command Prompt Only from the startup menu will "not" load the extended memory driver Himem.sys.
Only FAT16 drives will be checked......
The MS-DOS version of ScanDisk requires Himem.sys be loaded to check FAT32 drives........

AGAIN MY APOLOGIES for my mistakes........


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