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Windows - Delayed Write Failed 4

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Technical User
Mar 1, 2002
We seem to keep getting this error "Windows was unable to save all the data for the file \Device\LanmanRedirector\IP Address\Program\.........The date has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere." Does anyone know how to avoid this. Sometimes it locks up our databases. Any suggestions?
I'm have been testing this problem (windows - write delayed failed) on my machine since it had shown up recently. I rebuilt my machine from scratch and it was during a combination of windows updates and a couple of windows 2000/XP registry tweaks that I had applied, that the problem started occuring again.

This is what I've found and it may not apply to some of the problems that you guys have. There is a very common tweak for 2000/XP circulating on the web to enable LargeSystemCache. In essence it uses more of the system RAM for caching. This is also the cause of my system getting the dreaded 'WDL' error upon boot up. I rebooted into safe mode and disabled the entry from the registry and the problem immediately went away. Reapplied, and as expected, the error returned upon reboot. I'm now running my Windows XP Pro without that tweak. It doesn't seem to agree with a combination of the latest DirectX 9a and other recent critical windows update.

The path for the LargeSystemCache is:
Manager/Memory Management/LargeSystemCache.

Value should be '0'

This value is also enabled if you had previous applied the AMD Athlon DirectX8.1 fix from Microsoft.


I would just like to confirm that the solution posted by Mozez31 on April 11, 2003 worked for me in solving the blasted "delayed write failed" problem. Thanks Moses. I certainly appears that enabling the LargeSystemCache is the cause of the DWF problem and as such is most assuredly a bug in the Windows XP and 2000 OSes. As soon as I disabled the large cahce the DWFs went away. Whether the problem only appears on systems with multiple drives I cannot tell. My system does have more than one drive. It would nice to hear from others.

Charlie Kron
Hello Everyone,

I said I would be back to this thread and here I am. After having this problem more than once, I am firmly convinced that the main cause of this error is hard drive defects (bad clusters)(with the exception of the error occuring over a network). If the hard drive is RELATIVELY new, I would run Norton disk doctor on win 95, 98, & me and make sure automatically correct errors is checked and scan the entire surface of the drive. The bigger the drive, the longer it is going to take. For Windows 2000 & xp, go into a dos window and type: [chkdsk c: /r] without the brackets. Type Y when it asks if you want it to run on reboot. You may have to run this up to three times. Also, this takes a long time because the /r makes chkdsk do a complete surface scan. If this does not work, or the drive is older than 3 years old or it is making any noise that you didn't hear before REPLACE THE HARD DRIVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Out of two computers, one was ok after running chkdsk /r three times (the error went away and hasn't been back since) the other one had many many errors (physical) and I had just enough time to copy the data and replace.
Just to confirm with Ckron and Moze31 that the "LargeSystemCache" tweak caused the "Delayed write failed" errors on my comp. Also the "DisablePagingExecutive" tweak gave me the same errors. Very strange because my PC had been operating for over a year with these tweaks applied with no problmes whatsoever.
Until last week my second HDD (maxtor 40 GB) broke down and i replaced it with a WD800 JB (=same as my primary HDD). I reinstalled XP pro, updated it with the latest patches and applied the registry tweaks, and the DWF errors appeared after a reboot. After setting "DisablePagingExecutive" and "LargeSystemCache" back to 0, the errors dissapeared.

Removed the second HDD and applied the tweaks again and still got the DWF error. So i must agree with Moze31 that the error is caused by a combination of the latest DirectX 9a and other recent critical windows update. I'm planning a fresh install of XP Pro without any updates and see if the errors are still occuring with these tweaks applied. I'll post results later.


Aukette, check your hard drive first. Go to a dos window (if running win2k or xp) and type chkdsk c: /r. That will make chkdsk check the entire surface of the drive. You may need to run it more than once. If the drive is old (>3 years) I would replace it immediately. The chkdsk program has fixed this same problem for me.
Problem solved !!

I ran chkdsk c: /r 3 times and then used the Western digital diagnostic software. PC is running great now with the "DisablePagingExecutive" and "LargeSystemCache" enabled. No DWF errors for the last 2 days.

Tnx to mithrandir7 :)
I'm getting Delayed Write errors on Win XP Pro machines, when copying data across the network to a Win 2000 Server.

I've had it for weeks now, and can't get rid of it - Microsoft have washed their hands of me too.....

Anyone any ideas?
Custerd, this is the DWF ERROR that arises from network/server issues. Microsoft has a fix that you have to call support services to obtain and a registry workaround. Here is the url: I think this article is in one of the earlier threads but the link doesn't work anymore so I searched and found the above link. Hope this fixes the problem. I have no practical experience with this type of DWF error-my experience is with hard drive physical problems. But if you read all the threads, other people have your problem. I hope this helps you.
We've tried this hotfix and it didn't work.

thanks anyway.
Recently had this problem on a W2K w/SP2 and Dial-Up. Occurred after year of operation.

Symptom: (User) Turned on PC,...BSOD,...Reset, Normal Run-Up, but "Delayed Write Failed" errors.

Fix: Uninstalled SP2. No other problems found (NSW2002). Problem not recurred.

Fix found during web search. Problem common back in 2000.
I spotted this fix on another thread, but it worked for me:

I have a P3-350 running W2K Pro with 288megs SDRAM with a Quantum Fireball 10G and a IBM Deskstar 20G drive. I was only getting the "Delayed Write Failure" message when saving binary attachments over a few megs in Forte Agent. I tried all the fixes here, but they all failed- turns out the simplest one finally did the trick. If you have disabled the "guest" account on your PC, turn it back on, and it did the trick for me (Seems dumb, considering I was logged in as the Admin, but whatever works is fine with me.)

Seems like there are a lot of fixes for this problem, so here's one more for you to try!

I was having the DWF error ever since I installed a Sapphire Radeon 9700 Pro video card into my XP 1800+ with 2xMaxtor 80gb hard drives. I think this is a conflict between the ATI drivers and DirectX9. I tried everything I could to rectify the problem and re formated/ re installed XP several times. Finally I installed directx 8.1 instead of the default directx 9a and I have not had the problem again for more than 2 weeks.

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