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Windows - Delayed Write Failed 4

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Technical User
Mar 1, 2002
We seem to keep getting this error "Windows was unable to save all the data for the file \Device\LanmanRedirector\IP Address\Program\.........The date has been lost. This error may be caused by a failure of your computer hardware or network connection. Please try to save this file elsewhere." Does anyone know how to avoid this. Sometimes it locks up our databases. Any suggestions?
Usually this means that a disk was ejected/taken offline before Windows was able to properly stamp the time/file info on it. For instance:

You could get this error if you loaded a program from a CD and ejected it before a rebbot - if part of the install included reading the CD again to verify a file after the computer restarted - but you had already ejected the CD.

..that kind of thing. Same with Floppied - NICs, CDROMs, you name it. Windows wants to completely finish and read/write operations without sudden interruption, and if it can't do that - it normally kicks out that error.

Maybe think of what you added/removed/changed before this started happening. You may need to reinstall that component or program to resolve the issue and put pesky Windows to rest ;)

Hope that helps. There are most likely other causes for this error - but i've not run across any other reason for it in my experience.

Hope that helps a bit..
Systems Administrator

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Usually this means that a disk was ejected/taken offline before Windows was able to properly stamp the time/file info on it. For instance:

You could get this error if you loaded a program from a CD and ejected it before a rebbot - if part of the install included reading the CD again to verify a file after the computer restarted - but you had already ejected the CD.

..that kind of thing. Same with Floppied - NICs, CDROMs, you name it. Windows wants to completely finish and read/write operations without sudden interruption, and if it can't do that - it normally kicks out that error.

Maybe think of what you added/removed/changed before this started happening. You may need to reinstall that component or program to resolve the issue and put pesky Windows to rest ;)

Hope that helps. There are most likely other causes for this error - but i've not run across any other reason for it in my experience.

Systems Administrator

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I am recently getting the same error on an XP box. I had two scsi Ultra 160 Cheetah drives in it. Recently I installed a DVD+RW and still had no problems. Then I began using software for extracting vcd's and svcds, multiplexing audio and video and voila ! I started getting terrific slowdowns doing anything like copying files. ( The culprit drive was removed and a brand new Cheetah installed.....33 gigger...same problem after a few days) I still don't have a resolution though. Tried uninstalling the software with no results. Even low-levelled the drive...same thing. Now this makes it even stranger. Once...the drives responded faster than ever ! Then after awhile went back to the slow response. I booted into Millenium and experienced the same thing. Back to XP and everything was fine again. No doubt the problem will return. Now here's the kicker. The Original drive still responds perfectly and it's also a Seagate cheetah 9 gig holding millenium and xp only. If I extract the files there all is fine. Been playing with this for a week now. ANY and ALL responses appreciated. This is driving me BANANAS
I've been having the same "Windows delayed write failed" problem. It's happened in a variety of places, none of which involved removable media; the c: drive is always referenced, although never by the c: drive letter. Interestingly, Microsoft Publisher has recently been reporting that I'm out of space on the c: drive (when I have 20+gb left), but I don't know if these two are really connected. Any info would be appreciated.

i run a w2k server.... and it poped up just today
this server is a colocated webserver, from which i (obviously) dont remove drives.....

my best guess untill now?

1. drive corrupt - tested all fine
2. hardware corrupt io controller - tested all fine
3. something from outside - still working on it. logs are full of scans, attacks, etc etc....

my best guess that i have to search there...
Something is telling the software to unplugthe hardware , or disrupts it's use...

anybody come up with something, plz post

You most likely have answered your own question. The network attacks are most often what causes it if not on a removable drive system. That means:
hub, nic, router, network traffic, or network config error or interruption.

If all config is setup correctly and no events are logged relating to network broadcast or related problems in event viewer, you should not be getting this problem. I just read a case that says purging your history files and setting the days to zero and logging off/back on again fixes the problem. Something, somewhere, is cutting your connection out just for a millisecond, and throwing out that error while a file was writing.

Check more into it, and see what you can find. Hope that helps some. pbxman
Systems Administrator

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I get this message every time I empty the recyle bin.
Windows was unable to save all the data for the file

Is the above a reference to my C drive, if so where is this reference stored?
I got the delayed Write error stuff a while ago when accessing my SCSI HDD on My XPsp1 machine at home, Also My SCSI CDR kept disappearing from My Computer.

I realised this had started happening around the same time I installed by new PCI sound Card, so I moved my SCSI controller to another slot (Further away from the Sound card) and Voila! No more problems.


"I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every Minute!!!!!"
I get the Windows - Delayed Write Failed error whenever I attempt to download something or empty my recycling bin.

After reviewing this problem for awhile now, I believe it is a Windows XP bug with users that have more than 1 HD in their computer. Correct me if I'm wrong but everyone that has complained about that does have XP and two drives.

I'm still looking into the problem.
Sorry to rain on the parade, but I'm getting the error whenever one of my xp machines (one hdd) tries to save data over the network on another identical xp machine.

I just fixed the problem with a friend of mine. On windows XP. He used several nForce boards already and he kept getting this problem.
Whenever he copies files to the drives connected to the IDE drives on the motherboard he get this error,it goes very slow and causes data corruption.
I read the link above and it suggests disabeling write caching. Didn't find it but the diskproperties listed some SCSi options. These were IDE drives connected to the mobo, so that wasn't right. Apparently nForce boards list drives as SCSi devices.
I disabeled them, synchronious transfer mode and something about que line whatever (he's PC is off and he's swapping mobo's for the third time this week). Problem solved.
Files copy very fast now, and work perfectly.
i had this problem on a maxtor 40gb hdd on a winxp computer. it was just a data drive, not the c: drive. when i was download files, every few days the drive would start giving delayed write failed errors.

the disk had win2k dynamic disk partitions on. i fixed it by repartitining with fat32 partitions.

my only guess as to what was wrong, was that integrity of the dyamic disk partitions was less that perfect.

Security Forums

Can someone cofirm that if you install the Service Pack 1 on Windows XP and/or follow these steps:
Turn off Enable write caching on the disk:

1. Use My Computer or Windows Explorer to right-click your disk and press Properties.

2. Select the Hardware tab.

3. Select the disk and press the Properties button.

4. Select the Policies tab.

5. Clear the Enable write caching on the disk check box.

6. Press OK and OK.

7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each disk.

would solve the problem.

Please somebody confirm this for me.

This is a message i get in a SAN environment (storage Area Network) whenever the server loses connecivity to the disk.
check connections
replace cables
turn off write caching (this will affect performance)
I just finished installing a dual-Xeon Compaq server with two RAID-5 FireWire drives connected to an Adaptec 4300 controller. As soon as I started copying files across the network, I also received the "Delayed Write Failed" message, & the drive(s) disappeared from My Computer.

The RAID box is made by Macally, & is called the FIDY (no clue as to why). The manufacturer has been unable to help me, or even to suggest why it might be happening.

The FIDYs have four 200 GB Western Digital WD2000BBRTL drives installed, which are rated at 100 MB/sec (Mode 5 Ultra-ATA). I just can't see why transferring files off the 100Base-T network would either overrun or underrun anything in either the drives or the FireWire boxes.

Any ideas?

I am also experiencing intermittent "Windows - Delayed Write Failed" errors. This is on W2K Pro workstation. It recently happened when trying to install Windows updates, the download from Microsoft completes and during the install process the Delayed Write error occurs. It is alwasys to some file "\Device\HarddiskVolume1\......; I tried downloading 7 'critical updates and 15MB of updates downlaaded fine so I don't see where the problem is a network connection issue, in this case during the windows update install process the error was on \WINNT\Temp\OLD12.tmp. So I used GOback to get back to the state prior to booting, and then retried Windows update but only selecting one of the 7 critical updates. I stil got the error, but the 2nd try was on \Device\HarddiskVolume1\WINNT\SYSTEM32\Set19.tmp. I just don't get it.
The error also seems to occur regularly when my Norton Anitvirus is trying to pull down and install virus and program upadtes, so the write error is on the last one was on \Device\HarddiskVolume1\Documents and settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition\7.5\I2_LDVP.TMP\dec\TMGDC663.exe. This is driving me nuts. Has anyone got a real resolution to this problem?
Thanks for any true fix anyone can suggest to this problem. I am wondering if re-insalling the operating system will fix it. The machine is a Compaq Professinal Workstation SP750 with one CompaqPC ATLAS10K2-TY184L 18GB SCSI HDD. The problem seems to only be happening on this one W2K Pro machine of several in the office. It also occured once when 'copying' some files from another PC 'shared' folder to this machine.
Is there some setting you can make to turn off 'delayed writes'?
I just installed 2 new Serial ATA Drives (Seagate 120Gig) in a new PC. Installed all the drivers, everything was working fine for a few reboots. I had 2 120Gig ATA100 Seagate I wanted to transfer all the info onto the new Serial ATA's. It took a couple of hours but I thought that was OK for 240 Gig of info. All the files appeared to be on the drive, as I opened and closed the folders a few times checking that all the files were there. After being satisfied that all was well I deleted the files from one of the original HDD's and formatted the other. After a re-boot later on I got the "failed delayed write" blah blah and didn't think anything of it until I went to use the info off one of the drives... all gone except 1 file on each drive that is unaccessable. Explorer shows both drives there, still full as only a couple of gig remains on each drive but no files can be seen. Disc management shows no drives exist?? You can't delete files, add new ones or format the drives?? This is a fresh Win XP install no programs are installed yet, only drivers. Now C: occaisionally gets this same error, but if you try to save it again it works fine? Anyone know how to get my info back? 240 GIG disappeared... :(
My customer has this problem with a relatively new ECS Desknote computer, windows 2000 OS. Was getting the error constantly until I ran chdsk c: /r. That helped but the error is now intermittent. After running MS directx 9.0 upgrade from the windows update, had to revert with goback to be able to get back into the operating system. I have read this entire thread, read the note at the microsoft knowledge base, and while some problems seem to be software related, I really suspect that this error is being caused by a physical defect on the hard drive. I plan to replace the hard drive and see what happens. I will post results later.
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