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Windows 98SE freezes and restarts

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Technical User
Oct 25, 2003
I have a P4 2.4 ghz system, windows 98 SE with 512MB. The system will constantly freeze then restart itself. This happens at different point, and will also restart while at the desktop with no apps running. I have a DSL modem connected, and this does seem to happen more when using IE6.

I've checked the CPU fan and heat sink, and all are fine.
By popular demand, the log from Motherboard monitor. the voltages are all seemingly way low. the temps fluctuate wildly, but hover around the mid 30's at least. I'm now thinkin power supply problem, as I'm noticing that these volagaes are dropping slowly over the time the machine is up, which is now down to no more than 10 minutes between crashes.

|Total number of readouts: 145 CPU Speed: 2392 MHz |
|Running from: 10/27/03 7:07:49 AM until: 10/27/03 7:28:52 AM |
|Sensor | Current | Low | High | Average |
|Sensor 1 | 48° C | -115° C | 79° C | 23° C |
|Sensor 2 | 34° C | 33° C | 37° C | 25° C |
|Sensor 3 | 30° C | 5° C | 72° C | 22° C |
|Core 0 | 1.47 V | 1.45 V | 1.52 V | 1.50 V |
|Core 1 | 2.45 V | 2.43 V | 2.46 V | 2.46 V |
|+3.3 | 1.62 V | 1.46 V | 1.76 V | 1.69 V |
|+5.00 | 3.12 V | 1.87 V | 3.50 V | 2.38 V |
|+12.00 | 6.78 V | 3.62 V | 9.49 V | 6.36 V |
|-12.00 | -4.24 V | -8.48 V | -2.52 V | -5.36 V |
|-5.00 | 0.00 V | 0.00 V | 0.00 V | 0.00 V |
|Fan 1 | 0 RPM | 0 RPM | 0 RPM | 0 RPM |
|Fan 2 | 0 RPM | 0 RPM | 0 RPM | 0 RPM |
|Fan 3 | 0 RPM | 0 RPM | 0 RPM | 0 RPM |
no wonder you have problems .
by the way,
have you connected the aux. 12v connector from PSU
to motherboard .
No using the extra 12v connector on P4 boards causes
a lot of trouble. ( it's a cable from PSU w/4 pin plug)
The aux plug is connected...I ran a very graphics intnesive game for a good hour with no problem, except that MBM was sounding alarms b/c of overheating, howver once I connected to the internet, it started up again...I'm thinking now that the NIC card has something to do with it. I have an onboard VIA adaptor that I disabled b/c it was always a little flakey, and have a netgear pci card installed using DSL. The problems seem to be prevelant when using the net.

is it possible that I'm seeing a lot of different problems? overheating and a bad nic card, and low voltage all on the same system?

this is getting very frustrating.
Get the PS checked with a voltmeter. That's the only surefire way to confirm that it's producing low voltages.
Software monitoring programs are ok, but they can give inaccurate readings sometimes.

Normally, sensor 1 is the CPU temp, and sensor 2 is the system temp.
I'm not sure what sensor 3 is, perhaps the video card.
What happens to the sensor 2 and 3 temps when you remove the case and run an external fan blowing on the computer?
Are all internal fans(CPU, video card, case, PS, etc.) running at design speed? You can configure MM5 to give a readout on the speeds.
Is there any dust buildup?
Did you replace the thermal paste?
Ok, I think I found the problem.

I decided to do a net search for the model number of my nic card, Netgear FA311, and found a lot of discussions about the exact same symptoms I was experiencing. So I pulled the card and installed an encore ENL832, and no more problems...the system has been online for 10 hours now without a glitch.

I did hook a Thermocouple directly to the CPU heat sink, and it's hitting temps over 100degrees during intense graphics and video. I think a better cooling fan is in order to fix that though.

thanks to all those who helped me find the problem.
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