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Windows 98 Startup - or lack of it!

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Nov 12, 2000
I am installing Windows 98SE on a machine at work. I've had this problem a few times, but usually, I've simply FDISK'd the drive, done it a gain and it's worked, however this time it's continuous.

In short, when the system boots, the blue screen appears telling me that there was an error in the system registry and it attempts to fix it. It doesn, then continues to load windows. When it loads (bearing in mind there is NOTHING other than W98), the 'Welcome to Windows 98' thingie-ma-jig appears, then a dialog box pops-up saying the following.

"Windows encounted an error accessing the system registry. Windows will restart and repair the system registry for you".

This is now a continuous cicle. I've stripped every piece of hardware out and replaced it, even the harddrive, EVERYTHING. I've even gone as to far as installing it off a different CD!!!.

PLEASE, can someone advise me on where the problem is. I've had this problem as I said a few times, but now it's becoming more common and more determined to stay!

Thanks IMMENSLEY in advance,

Try two things. Replace the RAM (unlikely). During the fdisk process, use fdisk/mbr as it could be a master boot record issue.

Ensure your partition is 2047MB or less too.


Jason can you tell me what type of Motherboard it is. I to have had this problem on occassion. Some of the time it has been the RAM but other times it has been a fault in the MOBO.

Steven Walker

Brainbench MVP Computer Technician
What chipset is being used in the machine, i had a problem virtually identical with one of my machines and it turned out to be the chipset, so try changine the mother board.
Thanks to everyone who has replied. In short and what's worse, is that the problem simply 'went'. One of those things that still bugs me because I simply do NOT trust the machine, however, it's had two weeks running and not a single problem yet!!!!

The RAM was changed and initially made no difference whatsoever. For those who asked, the motherboard is a Commate (slot 370 and Socket 1 compatible). The only thing I did was quite simply one Saturday I came into work and whilst I was working on other stuff, I just kept pressing OK to reboot the machine all the time.

Sorry if I haven't helped anyone. I'm sure I'll hit this problem again, however there is no 'consitancy' in the problem.

Several months ago I built 2 machines for a branch in St. Albans, several days later they rang to say that the PC was reporting 'registry' problems and like what I mentioned started to happen. I simply reinstalled Windows and the problem went. Likewise here at HO, there have been a few machines that have had this problem, but not as bad as the one which prompted me to write initially.

In all seriousness, I simply do not know what has caused this, nor can I see any pattern. Like I said, I used several different 'bit's of hardware and still got the same problem. Indeed further to this, those remaining bits have been built into 2 other machines where I got no errors!!!! See what I mean? Weird eh.

Anyway, thanks again for the replies and if I find anything out, rest assured you'll be the first to know.


Two things can cause this error. (Probably more, but...)
The BIOS has a virus scan active, meaning it detects every time the MBR is being changed. Causes lots of install probs.
Second is the last sector of the HD cannot be read/written. This is common after using EZBios or somesuch "drive overlay" software to set up the HD.

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