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Windows 98 Installation problems

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May 3, 2002
I am trying to install Windows 98 on my PC. When I access the CD-Rom and type setup, it starts scandisk, completes it, I hit exit, and the PC reads copying Windows files - please wait and the C:\prompt comes up and setup does not continue. I have tried to then bypass the scandisk by typing in D:\setup /IS and it bypasses scandisk. An error shows up which reads "While initializing device VCACHE, Windows Protection Error. You need to restart your computer."
Can anyone help me with this?? I am at wits end!
Read this: FAQ748-1599. This should help you out. You will need a start-up disk. If you don't have one, and you can't get into windows to make one then goto and download one onto floppy.

Let me know how things work out.

"Quest for the Cup - 2002!"
"Onto the 2[sup]nd[/sup] round!"

It sounds like your trying to install Window FROM WITHIN Windows. That won't work, you need to boot your computer up from a bootable floppy, then run setup.
Follow SPYDERIX's link to make a bootable floppy if you don't have one, and use that FAQ he wrote if you have any questions about the actual installation.
Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, I have already done what you both have suggested and the problem has not been solved. I think there could be something wrong with the BIOS? Possibly it is corrupt? What do you think?
My suggestion is to boot from WIN 98 Emergency Startup Disk from friend using "with CD-ROM support." At the C prompt, copy all files from E:\WIN98 [the boot disk uses D for a ram drive] to new folder C:\WIN98. Then boot from Emergency Disk again without CD-ROM support. At the C prompt, type "CD win98", enter, and then "setup.exe". Install should proceed normally. Copying the setup files to the hard drive is much faster and will eliminate digging out your system disk everytime you add or change a device later.

Hope this helps!
Milton, thanks for your suggestion I have already tried that also. I'm going to try a utility called cacheman. I failed to tell everyone that the PC was custom built. I have contacted the person who built the machine and he has no idea what could be wrong. Back to the drawing board. All of the components are top of the line. I have tested the internal hardware and it seems just fine. Any other suggestions? I'll let you know if cacheman works. Thanks.[gorgeous]
Could be that you need to reset the bios to default. It may be that the bios is set up aggressively, sometimes people set it up too aggressively to install windows. There should be a default button/section someplace in your bios, or failing that, individually reset every option to the lowest settings, also take off any boot virus detector and turn off any options that you don't need to setup, once windows is installed reset bios to how you want it and re-enable all setttings. You might want to disable plug and play settings, windows will automatically take over that function from the bios on install.

Other than that you might have problems with the hard drive, check with some diagnostic tools and repartition/reformat again.

Good Luck!

"Unfortunately, I have already done what you both have suggested and the problem has not been solved"

You tried my FAQ. It didn't work at all? Maybe your Re-Install CD is faulty, have you tried using someone elses CD?

Give my method another shot. Basically you start computer|press either F2, or DELETE to get into setup change the boot to cd for the first device type, then put the cd in re-start the computer, and the setup.exe will automatically run. Or if it doesn't then type setup.exe. Make sure you choose start from CD or run from CD, & start with CD support.

Hope this helps!

"Quest for the Cup - 2002!"
"Onto the 2[sup]nd[/sup] round!"

Hi Sillygirl,
I agree with the laste answer.
I've seen problem like this before. After a day of test and a lot of tries we change the windows cd and then MIRACLE IT WORKS.
If it doesn't work with a new cd, 2 solutions :
1) jump by the window of the stage 0 because the life is too hard.
2) change of work because computers are egtting you really mad and sell pizza it's better for your mind health.
No really good luck and send me a message if you still have problem.
Hey Arachkid,

Great that you build your own computers, however Sillygirl said that someone built the computer for her, so she doesn't know if the cpu/ram/video/etc was at default settings or oc'ed and if so by how much, when I build a computer I usually set the bios to aggressive after the install is complete. I've had problems on a couple of rebuilds when it was aggressively overclocked, the solution was to reset bios to default, while this was more of a long shot it was a possible solution.

Hey Sillygirl,

Another few possiblities, if you've already partitioned and/or reformatted the drive, try rebuilding the master boot record, you do that by boot disk, then typing in fdisk /mbr, second I would try a third party installer like 98lite, it works very well for a clean install, it will copy the necessary cab files to the hard drive before starting a windows install, this will let you know if the cd files are corrupt or at least it should. Another benefit of this is that you can delete these install files and then put your swapfile there, its the fastest part of the disk, make sure that after install you turn off swapfile, reboot, delete install files, enable swapfile for the size of the deleted install files and it will automatically setup over the deleted files.

Other possiblities are that your psu is failing, not having enough power can give your hard drive fits and corrupt your data especially on start up. Overheating can corrupt files as well and crash your computer. Are you overheating someplace? Do you need to blow out all that dust? Is all the fans working?

Anyway I'm out of ideas at this point, maybe if you give additional details someone may come up with a solution.
Thanks for all of your suggestions. Unfortunately, I have to wait to get home to try some of the last suggestions. So sit tight and I will let you know what happens. I do have a couple of WIN98 CDs. I want to try the 98lite. I am thinking that maybe the CDROM is not installed correctly - like the PC won't continue trying to read from it. So I am going to check on that with the manufacturer. With all of your help I will CONQUER THIS. Thanks again. [smile2]
I'm back! Ok I finally got Windows to load HOWEVER unsuccessfully. Let me describe the situation:
1. Fdisk /mbr
2. Fdisk
3. Rebooted.
4. Formatted C: drive.
5. Rebooted.
6. Ran E:\setup

It copied the Windows files, when it got to the point of rebooting to load hardware settings, it rebooted, but then came up to the Windows Startup screen with the different boot options - 1. Normal, 2. Logged(bootlog.txt) 3. Safe mode, etc.
I selected Safe mode and it comes up Windows Protection ERROR - restart windows, restart windows - same thing except it says Problem initializig VCACHE, Windows Protection Error.
If anyone could PLEASE HELP!!!
Thanks in advance!
I believe it does have more RAM but I am not sitting at the PC to check for sure. The link you indicated is not found. Please recheck. Thanks. :)

The link is there, but this forum is only linking to part of it. Copy the entire text of the link, including the end bit (EN-US;q181966) which does not seem to be included when you click!!

I don't think that link to MSKB is appropriate as this is before windows completes setup, so msconfig is not available, is that right Sillygirl?

In fact I think all of the posters are missing the fact, windows does not complete installation on a clean install. Is that correct Sillygirl?

If that summary is correct then it could be attributed to your components.

Could you give a list of your components? also how old are the components? I had a bad psu that did not give enough power to the hard drive that would have problems loading windows in booting up, every so often it would corrupt the hard drive which would require a re-install.

It still sounds like the problem I had with the bios settings set to aggressive, could you check your bios and verify that all settings are set to factory or safe settings.

Also 512mb ram should not be a problem in installing, windows98 is rated to 2gb of ram although you may have problems with over 1gb depending on how you configure your computer, in installing you should not have problems up to 2gb of ram, its in configuring that you may run into memory problems.

However with generic,cheap and/or high density ram you could have a problem in installing, configuring, and using your win98
I'd try swapping out RAM as well as checking the psu. I have had faulty ram and also other components cause this issue.
Just to answer a couple of your questions:
Windows does not complete setup. This computer at one time was working fine and then all of a sudden it started coming up with the VCACHE error. You are correct in that it never completes a reinstall or clean install. The computer is set to the default/safe settings I made sure of that. I thought about disconnecting the sound blaster card. I will give you a list of the internal components of the machine as soon as I can. Thanks, sillygirl.
Is it possible for you to try to install using another W98 disk?
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