My apologies to the forum. When I bootup, after my desktop appears "My Computer" superimposes itself (and not "Windows Explorer". It causes no problem, but this is a new phenomenon which appeared after deleting hard ware and software, and is an annoyance.
If the problem started within the last 5 days, then press and hold the Ctrl key during startup, select 'Command prompt only' from the menu using the arrow keys, press Enter, at the C:\> prompt type scanreg /restore and press Enter, select a Registry that predates the problem and press Enter.
If that does not work or if the problem started more that 5 days ago, then reinstall Windows over itself.
never encountered this one yet, but maybe check ur Win.ini file by going to
specifically under
are these empty like above?...mine are
also look under
Do you have a floppy in the drive.?
and do you a .pif file on your Desktop.?
These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
This problem was more than five days old, so I took your advice and reinstalled Windows 98. When it booted up again my desktop had gone almost to a "Safe Restart" - colours limited to 16 bit and display reduced to 640 x 480. Went into "add/remove" and removed Windows 98 and desktop returned to normal but still have the problem of "My computer" appearing over the desktop at bootup.
Hi, Have a look at this registry entry:
User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ExplorerBrowseNewProcess]
Name: BrowseNewProcess
Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value: Yes or No
If the value is yes set it to no and see if that helps....
If you're going through Hell...keep going... (Winston Churchill)
Tried regedit and altering BrowseNewProcess value to NO.
Unfortunately this hasn't cured the fault - looks as though I shall have to live with it and keep on cancelling "My Computer" each time I boot up.
Do me a favor....
On your desktop....if you have an Explorer shortcut....right click it and choose properties.....What's in the
"Start in" box and the
"Target" box??
post back
Go to Start>Programs....again right click Windows Explorer...choose properties
Whatcha got???
Look in Startup Tab for a line that refers to Explorer.exe
Are you on a Network?
Right click any blank area on Desktop and "View as web page" checked ??
If it is Uncheck it
If it's not choose "customize my desktop" "Internet Explorer Channel Bar" listed....if so check "View as web Page" you can then select and remove "ie channel bar"
and anything else listed there.
In an IE window choose Tools>Inet options>Advanced tab>.....look under "browser" area for "Show IE channel bar at startup" (if Active desktop is off)...
These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Do you close all windows......."before" you shutdown and do you shutdown through the Start Menu>Shutdown?
If not, try it.
R u on a network?
Do you have a floppy in the drive all the time?
if so, take it out
look here thread615-718252 (though slightly unrelated)for some more ideas of where to look for offending commands/settongs that may be making this happen.
From Start>Run MSCONFIG
...look in your Autoexec.bat file for a
PATH statement and post it
If it should almost always start with/contain;
PATH C:\;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\Command.........semi-colons separate full paths to apps/commands for batch files
Do you have TweakUI installed???
if so, under IE4 tab, look Active Desktop Enabled box
These are just "my" thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions....I try very hard to impart correct info at all times.
Have solved the problem at long last. After much searching and eliminating, found that a programme "dRamatic" which is supposed to release memory was actually corrupted in some way and was initiating "My Computer". Removed the programme and then found that I hadn't enough memory to run Microsoft Word or anything else in the Office Suite. Deleted and reinstalled Office and now everything is working again. Still am not sure of the reason, but at least I'm back working again.
Many thanks to all members for your help.
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