Technical User
Hey, i've been getting help from these forums for a while now and just decided to join and post because i have a problem in which help can not be found.
-Quick overview of problem-
We will be upgrading our domain controller to windows2003 server from NT 4.0. We have windows 95 computers running CNC machines in the plant, and the software that corresponds with the aries machines needs the 95 operating system to run. Each pc is specific to each aries CNC machine. We can not do a pc swap.
-When installing the client extension, it says it can not detect any version of windows interenet explorer and needs to now close.I have looked and can not find any files that directly relate to internet explorer on the machine. SO, I have tried installing internet explorer 4.0 and am receiving the message: Can not complete installation, windows has detected you have the most current version of internet explorer(or something along those lines). Okay, so i try to install internet explorer 5,(and 5.5 i believe if thats a valid version). This install then try's to contact specific websites during the installation to complete, I can not get past this point. In order for this client extension to be on the PC, internet v4.0+ is required. So can someone point me to an installer that does not try to contact an out of service website ? Or any advice ?
-Quick overview of problem-
We will be upgrading our domain controller to windows2003 server from NT 4.0. We have windows 95 computers running CNC machines in the plant, and the software that corresponds with the aries machines needs the 95 operating system to run. Each pc is specific to each aries CNC machine. We can not do a pc swap.
-When installing the client extension, it says it can not detect any version of windows interenet explorer and needs to now close.I have looked and can not find any files that directly relate to internet explorer on the machine. SO, I have tried installing internet explorer 4.0 and am receiving the message: Can not complete installation, windows has detected you have the most current version of internet explorer(or something along those lines). Okay, so i try to install internet explorer 5,(and 5.5 i believe if thats a valid version). This install then try's to contact specific websites during the installation to complete, I can not get past this point. In order for this client extension to be on the PC, internet v4.0+ is required. So can someone point me to an installer that does not try to contact an out of service website ? Or any advice ?