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Windows 95/98 Computers Out of Resources

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Sep 23, 2002
Hello Everyone,

We have two computers here that are running out of resources almost as soon as they are booted up. The users are opening outlook 2000 and one other software application. The problem only seems to be worsening over time. We have deleted temporary internet files, cookies, .tmp files, defragged and added more ram. The only thing that will help for a little while is rebooting. One computer is running win98 se and the other is win95. These problems have just started happening in the last couple of months. Any suggestions?

Restart the computer, after Windows loads do a Ctrl-Alt-Del on the Desktop, shut down all programs except Explorer and Systray, and then check your resources after opening some programs.
If that works, then you can prevent these programs from loading at startup by going to Start/Run, type msconfig, click OK/Startup, and unchecking the boxes for all items except ScanRegistry, and System Tray. You can also leave the 2 LoadPowerProfile items checked if you're using Power Management to power down the computers.

If doing the above does not help, then update your antivirus program with the latest files, and do a virus scan.
If no luck, then d/l either Ad-aware or Spybot, and remove all spyware.
Also, how much RAM do these computers have? I definitely agree with the above post, disable background apps you don't need, and scan for spyware and viruses.

Matt J.
Each computer has 256 mb of ram.

I will give these suggestions a try.

Thanks so much!

Click this link for more info:


[tab]"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources"
[tab][tab]- A. Einstein
It may be Outlook. While it takes longer for me I have this happen all the time. Almost all the Office apps. do this. FYI: The out of resources message is not the regular RAM, it is that 1mb of DOS memory. When a program loads it uses some of that special memory. When it closes it is supposed to tell Windows to reuse that space. But bad apps don't. And some keep grabbing more and more. This happens on my box and I have 384MB. Not much you can do but reboot.


There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. (Bertrand Russell)
Hi; This sounds a lot like the problems I'm experiencing. Mine is specifically with Outlook. It is running slower and slower, and every so often it refuses to open up at all. Sometimes I have to leave it chugging away overnight. The next morning it's fine, and life goes on. This time after leaving on overnight, it refuses to open up mail. I wait and eventually try Ctrl/alt/del. A large white dlialogue box comes up (instread of the list of open programs), with the message "The system is dangerously low on resources. Ms Outlook not responding". Clicking the close box just hangs it up some more and I need to reboot.
The reason I'm adding to this link is that I've done all the suggested steps as outlined in the FAQ by diogenes10, and cdogg. Nothing helps.
I've decided to go with another e-mail client "Pegasus", which is so much faster.

Any other advice about these resource issues? Plus, I'm running AVG, does anyone know if it works with Pegasus, or any other e-mail client.

Thanks, Pat
Have you checked for viruses. There have been a lot of Outlook exploits and resource hogging viruses going around. A lot of them are low payload viruses but really annoying. I am dealing with a few right now on a customers network and Norton hasn't picked any up. It seems that they didn't have all of the available patches downloaded. I found them by doing remote scans. They have the same symptoms you are describing.
If it only happens with Outlook running, then it may be due to a bug or corrupt install of Outlook. Aside from uninstalling and reinstalling, I would start in a new thread in the email forum for more ideas:


[tab]"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources"
[tab][tab]- A. Einstein
Thanks for the advice folks. I've done a variety of virus scans, my AVG (daily), and two remotes, and nothing is ever detected. I'll try the Outlook reinstall, but to be honest, it's way more of a program than I need. All I need is basic sending and receiving of e-mails (but one that is secure and safe). Thanks again. This forum once again proves it's great to share knowledge and experiences.....especially where technology is concerned.

(ps I will try the e-mail forum next cdogg)
Pat, I'll bet your problem is that you have an enormous .pst file. If it is not on, turn on the archive function and archive the older emails. If the "Personal Folders" get too big (over 2gb) you will have lots of problems.


There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. (Bertrand Russell)
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