I want to give a desktop PC that I have sitting around, which is running a corporate licensed version of Windows 7 Professional, to a friend, who in turn wants to give it to a family member as a gift. I think they only really want it because it's already loaded with Windows 7, and they no nothing about computers, meaning, they would be lost if they had to re-load an operating system on it.
My question is, if this person tried to contact Microsoft for support on it, would Microsoft know that is a license that my company paid for, would Microsoft charge them for support (meaning that they only care that's it's a genuine copy of Windows 7), or should I ask this person to buy their own copy of Windows 7 and pay me to re-install it?
My question is, if this person tried to contact Microsoft for support on it, would Microsoft know that is a license that my company paid for, would Microsoft charge them for support (meaning that they only care that's it's a genuine copy of Windows 7), or should I ask this person to buy their own copy of Windows 7 and pay me to re-install it?