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Windows 2003 Certification 2

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Aug 19, 2004
I am planning to take the mcse 2003 cert but I am new in the field with little experience. What would you advise? What materials I need to pass? Do you have any recommendation on what video tutorials to buy? I have the MCSE 2003 MS Kit.

Thank you in advance!
Get yourself 3-4 computers, set them up in a LAN, 2 servers as DCs, 1 server as an ordinary member server, 1 running the workstation OS that you are using (either XP Pro or 2K Pro).
Alternatively, use Virtual PC on a large system and have them running simultaneously with a network in 1 PC.

Go through the exercises in the MS training kit and make sure you understand everything they ask. Do what is asked in the practical exercises plus modify the tasks so that you understand the concepts, and do more than is asked (for example, in my XP Pro book, it makes a lot of noise about creating a password reset disk for security reasons, but doesn't ask you to create one as part of the training).

Thank you, jrbarnett!

"...use Virtual PC on a large system and have them running simultaneously with a network in 1 PC...."

Would you please explain further with your statement above. What is virtual PC? I apologized for being so green on this subject.
Hi there, like IVs i need to pass the MCSE 2003.
i already have the windows NT 4 server and workstation and networking essentials. but as i heard its not worth much so i have to start from scratch?
anyways my real question is : do you really need to set up a network at home to study MCSE 2003. because i have only one PC and no router, and i dont see myself spending a lot of money to be able to apply the study.
is there any alternatives? like a video tutorial ?

also i was wondering if there is a best order to pass the exames , like start with the easiest and if so which one is the easiest..
I dont really want to present the hardest exam for my first..

thank you very much for taking time to read my post, and/or to answer

i have another question also. where can i get the MS training kit??? do you need to be in school? is it free?

nothing beats hands-on experience to prepare for the real working world (and the mcse exams as well). that is why the suggestion to build a testlab. a person can get quite a bit of equipment from ebay and friends to get things rolling....

that aside, if you have excellent memorization skills, it is possible to cram for each exam without touching a server. Get a copy of the study guide for an exam (i liked the sybex press best) and read it. i would suggest taking a transcender exam prior to sitting the real thing.

easiest exams ?? os, server, then maybe ad / ad design...

best of luck


I been researching what is the best books and/or video tutorial. So far, based on my learning curve, the best for me is the CBTNuggets.com, it is a video tutorial. It might apply to you too. Check it out.

If anybody knows a better video tutorial, please let us know. Thank you.
Has anyone taken certification classes with New Horizons ?
I am thinking of joining a 8-month Cyber Defender program (which includes A+, Network+, Security+, MCP, MCSA, CCNA) at the northern Virginia site; and I am wondering whether they are as goog as advertised ?
They especially promise to help you find work after the first 3 months. Has anyone had this experience ?

This probably deserves it's own topic, but I have a friend who has attended New Horizons in CT. I've heard both the good and the not so good about it.

I believe that they guarantee certification, which is a plus. If they guarantee placement, even better, but I'd research it first by finding some previous students and getting their opinions before you commit.

A+, Network+, MCSA 2003 certified

I finally have a system with 1 server and two clients. I am planning to join this on an existing domain. What do I need to do so I will screw up our existing domain, especially email and website? Do I need a dhcp and dns on my system even tough the existing domain has those services? I just want to make sure that by joining my system domain to existing domain will not in any way disrupt any services at all.

Thank you in advance!
I mean't "...will NOT screw up the existing domain...".

That depends on whether your server is on the same subnet as the domain controller, and whether you were planning to join your server as a Domain Controller or a member server.

A+, Network+, Security+, MCSA: Security 2003
Don't put a DHCP server on your network if you are going to attach it to the same network as the production one unless you want to receive your marching orders.
You can never tell which one the clients will use first, and if the ranges overlap, chaos will reign. Saying that, unless the new server is authorised in Active Directory, it shouldn't be issuing IP addresses.


Thank you for the advice.

Do I need to install DNS service? Is there anything else that you can think of that I need to be careful about joining this domain to our existing domain. FYI. The server is a DC and "first-server-on-site". Will this comflict with our DCs on our existing domain?


I am planning to join as a separate domain in a forest. There is a DC and within that domain has two clients. Hope you can give me more feedbacks. Thanks!
Will the existing DNS Servers be supporting the test domain as well? If yes, you don't need to (unless you want a play DNS server), otherwise you do.


If you are planning to promote your existing server to a DC for a New Domain in an Existing Forest, I suggest that you set up DNS on the DC.

You'll need to have a pretty good working knowledge of how DNS records and replication traffic work for the exam.

A+, Network+, Security+, MCSA: Security 2003

yes I want to play DNS server as well. Is there anything I need to be cautious about having another DNS on a forest? I am not very familiar with DNS but willing learn quikly. Thank you.


The server is a dc already and this domain will be on the same physical network but different domain.

I am going to take 70-290 exam hopefully soon. Is there any DNS questions on this exam? That is my intention is to learn DNS and active directory. Thank you.
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