i installed PHP 5.2.3 today ony my server (windows 2003 IIS6) and was going to install PHPBB but got halted at this text (The PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type that you chose) when trying to install it with MYSQL4.x/5.x setting, i wonder what i have missed in the install...
what have i done so far?
1:in my windows variable setting, i have already added my c:\php to the windows path variable
2: the file php_mysql.dll is enabled as an extension in my php.ini already and i moved the dll into c:\windows\system32 along with php.ini
3: my extension dir is set to c:\php\ext in php.ini
5: I have confirmed that the mysql server is insteed running, and it is.
6: i restarted the server after installing php and changing the php.ini and moving the files etc.
here is my php.ini file and my phpinfo
i installed PHP 5.2.3 today ony my server (windows 2003 IIS6) and was going to install PHPBB but got halted at this text (The PHP configuration on your server doesn't support the database type that you chose) when trying to install it with MYSQL4.x/5.x setting, i wonder what i have missed in the install...
what have i done so far?
1:in my windows variable setting, i have already added my c:\php to the windows path variable
2: the file php_mysql.dll is enabled as an extension in my php.ini already and i moved the dll into c:\windows\system32 along with php.ini
3: my extension dir is set to c:\php\ext in php.ini
5: I have confirmed that the mysql server is insteed running, and it is.
6: i restarted the server after installing php and changing the php.ini and moving the files etc.
here is my php.ini file and my phpinfo