I began the usual W2K Server setup, got through the first stages just fine. When I got into the system, I close the 'Configure Server' window and ran DCPROMO.EXE. Well, I indicated MYDOMAIN.COM, MYDOMAIN (NetBios), etc. and when it went to create the DNS, it kept erroring saying something along the lines of 'Network location not found.'
I finally just manually set MYDOMAIN.COM in the DNS manager under the server icon. Then ran DCPROMO.EXE again. This time, it started 'Configuring' Active Directory. About 5 minutes in it errored out saying it could not create the DNS, DNS Services were running and that MYDOMAIN.COM already existed, proceed. So I hit OK. Well, it hands there for like 1 hour. I'm clueless... so I check everything and it seems to have setup all components. I hardboot the Server and when it comes up, all of Active Directory seems to be there and operational?
Does that make sense to anyone or sound familiar?
Thanks for replies. Jason Wilder
IT/CAD Manager
"When I go, I want to go in my sleep like Grandpa. Not screaming in terror like his passengers."
I began the usual W2K Server setup, got through the first stages just fine. When I got into the system, I close the 'Configure Server' window and ran DCPROMO.EXE. Well, I indicated MYDOMAIN.COM, MYDOMAIN (NetBios), etc. and when it went to create the DNS, it kept erroring saying something along the lines of 'Network location not found.'
I finally just manually set MYDOMAIN.COM in the DNS manager under the server icon. Then ran DCPROMO.EXE again. This time, it started 'Configuring' Active Directory. About 5 minutes in it errored out saying it could not create the DNS, DNS Services were running and that MYDOMAIN.COM already existed, proceed. So I hit OK. Well, it hands there for like 1 hour. I'm clueless... so I check everything and it seems to have setup all components. I hardboot the Server and when it comes up, all of Active Directory seems to be there and operational?
Does that make sense to anyone or sound familiar?
Thanks for replies. Jason Wilder
IT/CAD Manager
"When I go, I want to go in my sleep like Grandpa. Not screaming in terror like his passengers."