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Windows 2000 Services Error

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Technical User
Jan 6, 2003
I have a Windows 2000 PDC which worked fine untill some weeks ago. Now the Windows Installer won't start and when i manually try to start the service i get the error message 1056 saying it didn't start in a timely fashion.

I first thought it was an installer problem but all of my services which aren't started when the server starts have the same problem. I can't start or stop services and that is not nice.

The Windows Installer not working is big issue because i cannot install anything.

Anybody a clue ?
what error does the service give?
check system log too

-Brandon Wilson
MCSE00/03, MCSA:Messaging, MCSA03, A+
almost got a paragraph there :)
All of my services are giving the same error number called:

Error 1053, the service did not start in a timely fashion.
Does this problem occur just after a reboot of the server?

As i have encountered similar problems just after rebooting a server - Can this serviuce be restarted if left for a while?

Sorry if this sounds silly but im a Tek-Tips virgin.
This error occurs all the time. Just after a reboot and also when the server is running for days.
Has you checked your access levels or ttried this with another user account with the correct admin priviledges?

I have googled Error 1053 - see if that can bring anything if it is not an permission level.
I logged in as administrator and created a new administrator account. Always the same error when i try to start or stop a service.
I saw that also, will give it a try. But my Windows Installer is also one of the services which won't start and this .NET framework requires the Installer to function properly.
ok check it out...go into regedit on the machine..oh wait 2000 right...regedt32

drill to HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services
check the permissions on it...on 2000 it should be administrators:fc system:fc users:read etc. etc.
*there should be inherited perms

if its correct on the services key then go to the service in question

are you able to view the properties of the services at all if you double click them in teh services.msc console? and if so, are the properties greyed out to where you cant change anything? the top of the first tab will tell you the service name (example: Remote procedure call=rpcss), that is what key you will look for in the registry

-Brandon Wilson
MCSE00/03, MCSA:Messaging, MCSA03, A+
almost got a paragraph there :)
The permissions are correct on the services key in the registry. I can have a look at any service and nothing is grayed out. But still when i want to start or stop something i get the error 1053.
It is not an error in the event viewer but an error when you try to start the service. There is nothing about that in the Event Viewer.
I've just had the same error occur on three critical infrastructure servers. Oddly things like SQL and Sage continue to run unaffected, but all the services refuse to start or stop.

Why it suddenly occurred I don't know for sure but I suspect a Hotfix.

I've checked all the default NTFS permissions and I've also found a useful KB for reinstalling Win Installer; <
I'm off to the site with the duff servers tomorrow to try and resurrect Win Installer and to force it to use a domain admin account to logon. Then hopefully I'll be able to install .Net.

I'll keep you posted!
are all dependency services started?

-Brandon Wilson
MCSE00/03, MCSA:Messaging, MCSA03, A+
almost got a paragraph there :)

I have the same EXACT PROBLEM. Happened yesterday or at least I noticed it yesterday. Still can't find a fix yet. I'm trying hard though. By chance did you happen to try and install the latest Windows Updates on the server yesterday? Because I did and that is when I noticed the problem!

Please, please let me know if you come up with a solution!
My issue has been resolved!!!

Here is what I found. Please read this article (See Hyper-Link Below). After disabling the "Remote Storage" service, everything became instantly functional. I disabled my Tape Drive Device first, then Right-Click on the Remote Storage service and Change it to "Disable"

After doing so the "Network Connections Service", "Telephony Service", Remote Access Connections Manager Service", "DCOM Service" immediately started up. I am now able to Start/Stop services and Windows Installer is now Functioning. I Hope this helps you. Please let me know if it does.

Well it's definitely Windows Update related and the only common patches on the servers I have found that are affected are the BITS 2.0, Win Installer 3.1 and KB893066.

Once the problem kicks in there is no way of deploying patches manually or through SUS that I can find.

However, on one affected server I went to the Windows Update site and downloaded all of the other important patches it would detect and the problem was solved. These patches did include the .Net Framework install and subsequent updates.

I have found that aside from one machine all of my servers that are not affected by this problem had the .Net Framework installed prior to this round of patching, whereas those that are affected did not.

Unfortunately, the venerable windows Update site seems to be very flaky these days and I still have six servers with the problem:)

Kevencrabb's discovery is interesting, it'll be interesting to see if that solution works on machines not running as Backup boxes.

Disabling the removable storage service alone was not enough to get Win Installer etc running on my servers again. So in safe mode I disabled the Symantec AV EE, HP Insight agent, BENT v9 agent and the APC PBE agent services and on rebooting into normal mode I had my servers back again!

In this state I then threw on every single MS security patch from SUS and Win Update.

After that I discovered that Win Installer was happy with the BENT agent running and the Insight agents. I removed the SAVEE client as I'm migrating away from that anyway.

This left removable storage and the APC PBE agent disabled and I'm a little concerned about the implications of this. I ran out of time so couldn't try the latest PBE agent, but I'm not entirely happy about removable storage being disabled.

Still for now my servers are happier - although after applying the latest Win patches it takes for ever for the desktop to load after I login, which is perhaps symptomatic of the underlying problem.
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