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Win98 Won't connect to Win2000 server machine (nor to the domain)

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Jan 21, 2004
Hello, I have seen a lot of posts regarding this problem, but after spending hour trying their solutions, i have no positive results. This is the problem, there is a win2000 server with active directeory, that has printer server role too. So, every win2000 pro computer is able to connect to the directory, to the shared folders in the server and to the printer. BUT, win98 machines cannot. When on network neigborhood, the win98 machines can see all the network (including the server), access the win2000 clients and share folders with them. But, when i double click on the server's name, a message that says "The network resource cannot be found"... plus they cannot log onto the local domain (which wouldn't be a problem if only they could find the server's printer and print in it).

Any help is GREATLY appreciated. There is no WINS server installed because the service can't start... and the AD client is intalled on the win98 machines.

Is the Windows 2000 network Native or in Mixed. Only Windows 2000 and above can log onto Native mode Windows 2000 networks.



Working on CCNA
I agree with Nzarth. Sounds like your DC is running in Native Mode. Check the settings and let us know...
Thanks you both for your suggestion, but the configuration of the DC is corret, mixed mode... do you have any other ideas?
On the Windows 98 machines - is the domain name in the MS Network Service and also included in the 3rd tab of the network properties (sorry not near a Windows 98 machine).

Have you added the machine names in AD?



Working on CCNA
Try useing the AD client from microsoft. Also with win98 better to add the account before you join to the domain.
You will also need wins running so win98 will see the network properly

Network Engineer

"Certifications? we dont need no stinking certifiaction."
yahoo IM handle: greater_vortex
Your problem is WINS server because Win98 cannot use DNS for network browsing as Win2000 can.

Hello again. I followed your suggestion to install the wins server... but the only thing it acomplished was to be able to connect to the server via network neighbourhood, which is great, now i can share the printer... but i still can make the win98 client log onto the domain, it says there is no domain server to validate the password..

maybe i misconfigured something... here is the current config:

IP Address: (NO DHCP)
DNS Server:
Domain name: TALLER
WINS server:
Computer name: PODRE

i am a little lost here, i have installed the AD client for win98.. mmm what else, well i can't think of anyhting else... if you need any additional info, please tell me :)
Like previously state, you have to have mixed mode on. (you already do) You also need to have WINS running. (you do) it looks like your IP's are right. Also, if you can naviate to the server once you are at the desktop of the 98 computer, you have network connectivity. So, the problem is related to communicated to the server pre logon. YOu also say you are not DHCP so you must be static. lol. Can you ping the computer before it is logged on? If so, do you have the proper clients and services loaded up? Another thing I always do is strip down the protocals so there is only TCP/IP and the clients so you only have the one you need. That helps out alot where I work.

Another thing to, do you have securities setup on the server shared folders? If you have them tighter then guest access, are you prompted to logon to the shared directories?

I agree with Nzarth,

Machine name or netbios name must be added in Active Directory before you can added to the Win 2000 Domain.

Try putting an lmhosts file on the W98 machines and see if that helps. (I always use hosts and lmhosts files on mixed networks. You can even put the file on the network, and write a batch file that will install it on the 98 machines for you.) Best option if possible, make everyone W2K. Good luck.

Glen A. Johnson
If you're from Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin check out Tek-Tips in Chicago, Illinois Forum.

To use Win9x in Win2000 AD you dont need AD client on Win9x boxes, you can use AD in native mode (you cannot use pre-win2000 DC in native mode domain, there is nothing about clients) and you dont need to add win9x machine name to AD (in fact you cannot do this because Win9x cannot be domain members).
Chech these on Win9x clients:
1)connectivity to DC (ping)
2)Client for MS networks installed and configured to logon in domain and correct domain name
3)Client for MS networks as primary logon in Network properties
4)netbios over TCP/IP enabled (in TCP/IP Properties WINS page)
If all this is OK, you should see MS Network logon screen after you start Win9x with your domain name in 'Domain name' field.
And dont disable annonymous access on DC because Win9x connects to DC as annonymous before user authentication.

Right click on network neighborhood, right click on client for Microsoft Windows, click on properties, log on to windows nt domain, enter the domain name.....

In network identification under workgroup, put the name of your domain.

If your server has 2 nics, make sure you point to the right one ....

Make sure your win98 machine has the sam networ ID and subnet mask as the server.....
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