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Win98 won't boot

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
I was messing with Explorer.exe to change the font of my 'Start' button. I deleted the original Explorer.exe and put in the edited version (this had to be done in DOS of course). It didnt work so I replaced the edited version with a backup of Explorer.exe that i made. Now when i start up my computer, it loads all the way the the "Win98 clouds" picture but then just starts up in DOS. I can type 'exit' or 'win' and it will load win98 up to that cloud picture but then right back to DOS. If it helps i can get to safemode by holding F8 but thats about it. Any ideas how to get into Windows??

oops, i meant my OS is win95, NOT win98.. if that makes any difference.
Boot to DOS, check for explorer.exe
I'll bet DOS has truncated it to explor~1.exe and windows can't load without it.
It may also have some undesirable attributes.
At the c:\windows prompt (make sure it's not just c:\ ), type: attrib -h -r -s -a explorer.exe
Try again.
You may be looking at a reinstall. Cheers,
Moderator at Staff at Windows 9x/ME instructor.
Jim's Modems:
Just out of curiosity, why would DOS truncate Explorer.exe? Doesn't Explorer.exe fit the 8.3 character file name limit of DOS??

Yes, most times it does fit into the 8.3 naming convention, BUT, windows 95a version of DOS assumes anything over 7.3 is too long, and truncates it, although this isn't a "written in stone" rule, it seems to be the case.
It was a "fix" with the release of 95b. Cheers,
Moderator at Staff at Windows 9x/ME instructor.
Jim's Modems:
Try typing scanreg / restore at the prompt, then revert back to your oldest saved registry. Steve
May I ask,Why did you do this anyway?
Don't you know that microsoft windows at any version does not work well by itself already?It is waiting for you to change a small thing and then he'll say: "missing file error" or registry error" or explorer error" and fails you from work...

I did it with my two other computers and it worked fine, so i wanted to change my girlfriends start button to 'dROCK' because she likes WWF.
You can change the start button with Windowblinds to read anything you like without blowing the machine up.

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