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Win98 problem

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Technical User
Jun 9, 2004
I don't really want to cross post....but I've been referred to this forum :)

shows my basic problem....

I'm fairly certain it's a DNS problem, and that if I flush out the DNS from the Win98 machine, hopefully it will rebuild with the correct IP for the server, but I can't find how to flush the DNS?



Are the settings right? Bear with me I'm doing this from memory...

-Control Panel. Locate the Network icon and double click on it. This should display the Network Configuration Window.
- Double click on "TCP/IP" or "TCP/IP -> Dial-Up Adapter". You will get a "TCP/IP Properties Information" window, Click OK. This will display the TCP/IP Properties window.
- Click on the WINS Configuration tab and check "Disable WINS Rosolution".
-Click on the DNS Configuration tab and select the "Enable DNS" option. In the Host: line enter your username. In the Domain: line type in your domain
-In "DNS Server Search Order" enter the IP of your DNS server.
- Click ADD.
- Click OK.
Thanks, but it didn't work :(

Luckily, the Win98 machine is actually seeing the network, even though it isn't logged on, and the users in question don't want to access any shared data - they just need to be able to use the business software program (essentially a telnet session) and this seems to work ok.

I'd like to be able to let them have access to the shared data on the server...does anyone have any more ideas??


is it possible this is a PlainText password problem?
Also check under Client for MS Networks > properties, is Logon to Win NT Domain ticked? (under Logon validation area). and the Domain Listed in the Box?
Make sure Client for MS is the Primary Network Logon.
what about DFS (distributed file systems)....could this be an issue with using Active Directory on the Win2K Server?
Is TweakUI installed on the 98 boxes? look in Control Panel - could also search the drive for tweakui.inf


These are just my thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
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No - I reset his password on the server to double check.
If it was a password problem, it would have shown up anyway because the account would have locked itself out.

I pinged the name of the server, and it was coming back with the old IP address for the server, hence I think it may be a DNS issue???

I don't think it's an AD problem because all the Win2k/Win XP boxes are fine, as are most of the Win98 boxes...there are only a couple which won't log on.

The error message thrown up is basically that it cannot find the logon server, and that some network resources may not be available. I'm sure this is because it's looking in the wrong place for the server...


That shows you how to set the timeout on cached DNS entries. So if you set it to one second, that will basically flush any cached DNS entries.

Have you tried using a utility to do a DNS lookup? Since ping would look to other sources for name resolution, wins, hosts file, etc.

I've tried adding the entry into the hosts file, and that didn't work.
WINS is turned off, so I wouldn't have thought it would be looking to this.

I'm a little wary of editting the registry at this point in time because I'm doing everything via the phone with people who are very-untechnical so I can't see what they are doing....and quite often what they do goes a bit wrong ;)

can you suggest a DNS lookup utility? Bearing in mind it will have to fit onto a floppy disk as the PC has no access to shared drives and no access to the Net??


It bothers me that you state you are not using WINS, but are using Win98 systems, which by definition require WINS to be able to browse correctly. Otherwise you would need to have extensive fixed host or lmhost data on each system, and this is a horror situation just waiting to fail.

Win98 gets its IP data resolution from WINS, not DNS, as dynamic DNS was not available when WIN98 was released.

How are you running the Win98 without using a WINS server, and why do you not have one set up?

A DNS tool that can be used for DNS lookup is nslookup though I don't know if it is available to wind98. Another option since you believe that this is a DNS problem and from the explaination so far I would agree, is to go to the DNS server and use the MMC for DNS and connect to the DNS server. Look for all entries for your server and see if there is still an A record entry for the old IP address. If there is, delete it. All effected workstations either need to be flushed or rebooted once the deletion has been done. Also flush the cache on the server prior to flushing the workstations by right clicking on the DNS server's name and selecting clear cache. See if that works for you.

Jeffery Smith (Smitty)
PEC Solutions Inc.
A+ Network+ MCSA MCSE
@David - I've only just inherited this network, so I didn't set it up so I guess we don't use WINS because 95% of the machines are 2k, and the servers are all either Unix or Win2k.

Perhaps the Win98 machines aren't running because I don't have a WINS server, but it's odd that they all appear to have the same settings (ie WINS disabled) and some work and some don't...

@Smitty - Server DNS has been flushed several times (needed to be rebuilt :eek:( ) so there now aren't any references to the old IP range. Both server and desktop have also had the ARP tables flushed (just in case!)

Maybe I should try a different approach....is there any way to browse data on a network server when the machine itself isn't logged on but *is* on the network?? (ie it can browse to my other servers which don't require authentication)



hi looneygirl;
firstly - look at my recent post in the 98 forum thread that you linked to from above (yes - now i'm guilty of keeping cross-posts alive).

I may not know much about the actual networking syntax and entries necessary, but I know the 98 registry well enough to know where to look for mucked settings that can effect logon and restrictions and policies.

it's unfortunate that you have to do this thru the phone by having the user actually adjust the settings and act as the t-shooter from the 98 box.

have you thought about
- possible group policies on the 98 box
- possible system policy restrictions being enforced
- possible username (Profile) conflicting with actual Networking settings

as I stated earlier, you might want to install TweakUI on the 98 box (64Kb) just to have a look at any settings that may be interfering/conflicting.....perhaps even Poledit to get a view of the policies that are current on the non-working boxes.

If you get an opportunity to check the Registry on the 98's - check under these keys for any kind of Dword or Binary values which'll enforce certain restrictions.
subkeys --> Explorer, Network, System and ActiveDesktop.
(more about it here -
otherwise it's a NetBIOS problem / DNS entries / Domain Name entries...I haven't yet heard you talk much about the Client for MS Networks settings - and perhaps there are networking "components" installed on the 98's that are interfering (such as VPN adapters). speaking of which - take a gander a this concerning 98/2K and VPNs - it may help you sort through the mess a bit.
especially the bit about NOTusing the FQDN (and just the NetBIOS name) in the NT Logon to Domain box of the Client for MS Networks.

also - the need to be perfectly clear with the user when asking about "listed" and "installed" networking components, (Make sure there aren't unnecessary networking components installed - compare the working and non-working 98 lists) and to be sure the correct one is being "selected" from the list , before trying to view/alter it's properties.

do the 98 boxes that work, have the User Log onto to Windows differently than the non-working ones? Make sure they're not hitting Cancel at the Logon prompt to bypass the Logging on as listed User. Have them view Start > Log off <username>.

it seems pretty clear that over the years, some of the 98 boxes had diff components settings/ policies/ tweaks installed (even User Profiles)....which can cause anomalies like this (some work, some don't).

some win98 networking components have a way of disappearing from view without being bound - and yet are still installed and functioning
see this info on this page alone may help to sort out the mess.



These are just my thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
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does IPCONFIG /all show anything useful?
maybe compare the results from one working and one non-working


These are just my thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
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one more btw;
.....The LMHOSTS file is used for name resolution when a Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server is not available to resolve NetBIOS computer names to IP addresses......
much more about lmhosts and hosts on the 98 CDROM in the \tools\reskit\help\rk98book.chm file - Appendix F - or type in hosts in the search box after opening the large Resource Kit help file.


These are just my thoughts....and should be carefully measured against other opinions.
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