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Win95 to Win98 & big performance hit

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Apr 6, 2001
Hey all,

I just upgraded several of my users from win95 to win98 (I can't give them XP because of db software they have to use). I thought they would have a little better performance but they are much slower now. The machines are as follows:

FIC PA-2013 Mobo
AMD K6-2 550 MHz
Western Digital 20GB
128 MB ram
8 MB AGP video

Tweaks I've done are:
Under Performance tab
Virtual Mem to 120/120
Memory to Network Server
VCache to 8192/16384 min/max
path\emm386.exe noems
FIC mobo driver update to 438

Any ideas on what can be done to make these at least as fast as they were? I can't go back to win95 for the same reason I can't go to XP--db software.

Thanks for all help,

Joe Brouillette
Thanks wolluf for the correction on DOS. With only 5 hours of sleep in the past 2 days, it's starting to show!

Just to weigh in on the memory suggestion...

Win98 requires a bit more than Win95 due to mem mgmt modifications. In turn, ME requires a bit more than 98 due to more animation and "system restore" features. However, the standard amount that all work great with seems to be 128MB. The jump to 256MB may only be noticeable in certain apps/games when multitasking, but won't greatly affect core operations like boot time, caching, etc.

Of course, it never hurts to have more memory, just be sure not to go overboard!

...OK, time for a breather! I promise I'll stop yapping in this thread from here on!! [talk]

"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
Hi there, Don’t know much; am green as grass, but will put my .04 worth in. Don't know how many machines you have, but I reckon if I were in that fix, I would try to fix one machine first. DO ANYTHING IT TAKES to buy yourself some time.
Was your Win 98 disc original, undamaged? Not a copy? On 1 machine, have you tried: installing Win 98 SE over/instead of it? Buy it yourself if you have to; beats 98. Check for Viruses, Trojans,etc. Run ScanDisk, Defrag. (Also- try Scandisk DOS style- start from command mode and go from there; no room here for all instructions- write if interested). Disk(s) not compressed ( by accident) is it? Memory upgrade will speed 'em up some, even if it isn't the problem; maybe buy some time for you until you find the real culprit(s) But don't go halfway. This is your job (or honor) on the line, right? Run it up to 512 anyway (on one machine) if it will take it . Note that most DOS programs require at least 512K to run efficiently. You may be running the program in a window when it needs to run full screen. Change the program's configuration settings so that it always runs in full-screen mode. Call the software distributor:Toll-free Comet Technical Support Phone Number:
1-877-Comet-TA (1-877-266-3882) or 1-800-628-3233, ext. 289, or via e-mail . Well, that’s about all that space allows. Don't forget what the others said- check file system (16 vs. 32). Take nothing for granted. Best wishes.
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Re nic, I think there was a post awhile back on a defrag thread in which a person discovered they had to disconnect from the network to make it work. I can't refind the thread though.
I would consider trying the "unupdated" db program on a win98 machine.
If the old performance was better overall, I would also consider restoring the win95 configuration for users at this time and continuing the debug process on one machine.
Ok, I removed everything except MS Office and Novell Client32 and they are running fine. Must be a software configuration problem, but I don't have time to track it down. I'm a little uncomfortable not having any anti-virus software installed but they have had internet access removed and they don't have e-mail any longer. I was "asked" to get them working so I'm in a "work around" process. I'll be experimenting in back with a bench machine to try to figure this out, but at least they're running, and I'm still working here. We'll see what pops up later.

Thanks for all the help and advice!

Joe Brouillette
Good catch! Time to add sfotware back one at a time to find the culprit.


"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
- A. Einstein
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