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Win95/Sasser question

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Aug 23, 2001
I have had a few funny reboots occur in the past 2 days, due to Sasser, I suppose.

My PC (it is a Home PC) operates under Win95 with IE5.50.4807.2300IC SP2 as my operating system.

Looking Symantec Security Response under W32.Sasser Removal Tool, they state that the

"W32.Sasser family of worms can run on (but not infect) Windows 95/98/Me computer systems"

What does this really mean??? Are there files on my system or not??

Other than forcing a constant reboot (this doesn't happen to me...I only have this problem on the initial boot of my machine) What does this worm do? Is my machine being used to infect others somehow.

I don't have a firewall and have limited memory....any recommendations?

Jim Broadbent

The quality of the answer is directly proportional to the quality of the problem statement!
It means that you can get the Worm and infect other machines. However it cannont remain resident in the system, therefore a reboot will kill it off until you get reinfected.
A software firewall, something like ZoneAlarm, will help and the home edition is free.

2 decades from retirement, 2 minutes from a breakdown

Hi Jim,
I just found this a couple of days ago and saved it for reference. I've not had time to look at it so I cant make any comment about it-thought I'd pass it on in case it was helpful. There was a section on tiny personal firewall in there somewhere.
heres a current thread you can monitor too.
sorry about the multiple posts, i've just been looking over areas I havent looked at for awhile.
Here's another thread (& I understand all the options may not be available for 95 - but it looked like it might be good background for you).

Also - if your son is not running a firewall either, same security concerns apply to his system.
well I have given it some thought and I came to the conclusion that any software firewall would tax my meager resources too much.

I have a high speed ADSL internet connection and a friend has recommended using a DSL router.

This seems to be ideal...but a question I have is that "Are all DSL routers inherently firewalls?" I see some advertised as firewalls and the cheaper ones aren't. As you know my hardware skills are limited :)

Jim Broadbent

The quality of the answer is directly proportional to the quality of the problem statement!

What is the difference between a "router" and a "hub"...is it that a router by definition contains a firewall?

Jim Broadbent

The quality of the answer is directly proportional to the quality of the problem statement!
No, a router "hides" local workstations behind private LAN IP addresses, a hub hides nothing.

A router with "firewall" features, usually indicates that it offers not just Network Address Translation (NAT)between the public and private interfaces for connected machines, but has some intelligence in terms of rejecting traffic as well, usually described as SPI or "Statefull Packet Inspection."

A hub offers neither NAT nor SPI.

I see....but my IP address must be passed to my ADSL service provider to get access to the network, doesn't it?

So how is anything being hidden.

Sorry for probably dumb questions...hardware is not a speciality of mine :)

Jim Broadbent

The quality of the answer is directly proportional to the quality of the problem statement!
Your original problem may not be virus related.

Boot up your PC in safe mode and see if the rebooting occurs.

Post any messages or errors you get.

Texas Sasquatch...

Gooney goo goo!
I have no problem of a virus nature, NOW. I was attacked but having a Win95 operating system limited the damage...I am finally getting tired of these attacks and am looking into a firewall to reduce them. Since I have an older (but adequate for my needs) computer with limited resources A software firewall seems out and I am investigating use of a DSL Router as a solution.

Jim Broadbent

The quality of the answer is directly proportional to the quality of the problem statement!
Ok, you are mentioning "attacks". Can you tell me what you mean by that? Do you mean that other people are trying to gain access to your computer or that you have had a virus problem. The reason I ask is that the solutions for both problems are very different and I want to try to give you the best help that I can.

Texas Sasquatch...

Gooney goo goo!
no...I haven't (to my knowledge) been singled out and attacked. I do think of this as I do some business over the net.

I am careful about emails so I haven't fallen into those traps. However I was hit by Sasser...though its effect was minimal since I have only a Win95 operating system and it didn't stay resident.

I use Cookiewall and Popup stopper (ver 2.9 a better version than the newer one...at least for Win95) so I am not too bothered my most Internet Traps...though I have been "highJacked" by coolsearch and findany a couple of times...I now use HIGHJACKTHIS to clean that up. I also use Ad-aware and SpyBot as well

It is the Sasser and versions that will follow that bother me though...this seems like a new generation of problem.

Jim Broadbent

The quality of the answer is directly proportional to the quality of the problem statement!
Ensure that you are up to date with your MS patches and service packs. Most, if not all, exploits that are known have patches for them. This will significantly protect you.

Texas Sasquatch...

Gooney goo goo!
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