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Win32::OLE support for Excel 2002

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May 6, 2005

I recently switched from Win2K to WinXp and my perl script that used Win32::OLE to work with Excel stopped working.

I found out that the ActivePerl version 5.6.x that I was using supposedly only works with Excel 2000 (MS Office Obj. Library 9.0). And my WinXP install, I believe has Excel 2002 (OL 10.0). Is this info. correct?

I didn't find definitive documention about whether the latest version of ActivePerl (5.8.x) has support for Excel 2002. Whats the best solution to fix this?

Any help would be approciated. I haven't worked much with OLE.

Hi sidphanse

I have several scripts using win32::OLE, and some of them are running with differents Perl Versions,MS Office and Windows without any trouble.

In my office the PCs are using win2K and office 2000,perl 5.8.x, my pcs at home I have XP, perl 5.6.x and 5.8 and office 2003. To be honest I have tested with different perl versions 5.6.x and 5.8.x and they work ok without any changes. Even I have used this module with Windows XP,Perl 5.6.1 and Office XP succesfully..

When you say "stopped working", What are the error messages? Can you explain a little more.


GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

hi dmazzini

Its kinda wierd. The call to:
my $excel = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application','Quit');

succeeds just fine, but when I try to use the excel object it seems as if it's corrupt or invalid.

I just get the following error:
Win32::OLE(0.1402) error 0x800a03ec
in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "SaveAs" at - line 26

I am trying to save a particular spreadsheet from an .xls file in 'xlCSV' format.

Hey mate!

I have found a script in the net to test Win32::OLE excel functionality in your PC. Please copy it and execute in your machine. It should print ok for each test.


# Test Win32::OLE.pm module using MS Excel
# If you rearrange the tests, please renumber:
# perl -i.bak -pe "++$t if !$t || s/^# \d+\./# $t./" 3_ole.t

package Excel;
use strict;
use Win32::OLE;

use strict qw(vars);
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD @ISA $Warn $LastError $CP $LCID $Tie);
# use BEGIN because the class is already used in BEGIN block later
@ISA = qw(Win32::OLE);
$CP = Win32::OLE->Option('CP');
$LCID = Win32::OLE->Option('LCID');
# This is necessary to get the _NewEnum property access working!
$Tie = "Excel::Tie";
@Excel::Tie::ISA = qw(Win32::OLE::Tie);

my $self = shift;
$AUTOLOAD = "SUPER::" . substr $AUTOLOAD, rindex($AUTOLOAD, ':')+1;
my $retval = $self->$AUTOLOAD(@_);
return $retval if defined($retval) || $AUTOLOAD eq 'DESTROY';
printf "# $AUTOLOAD returned OLE error 0x%08x\n", $LastError;
$::Fail = $::Test;


package main;
use strict;
no warnings "utf8";

use Cwd;
use FileHandle;
use Sys::Hostname;

use Win32::OLE qw(CP_ACP CP_OEMCP CP_UTF8 HRESULT in valof with);
use Win32::OLE::Variant;

$Excel::CP = CP_UTF8;

use vars qw($Test $Fail);

$^W = 1;


open(ME,$0) or die $!;
my $TestCount = grep(/\+\+\$Test/,<ME>);

sub stringify {
my $arg = shift;
return "<undef>" unless defined $arg;
if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY') {
my $res;
foreach my $elem (@$arg) {
$res .= "," if defined $res;
$res .= stringify($elem);
return "[$res]";
return "$arg";

sub Quit {
print "not " unless ++$Test == $TestCount;
print "ok $TestCount\n";

# 1. Create a new Excel automation server
my $Excel;
$Excel::Warn = 0;
$Excel = Excel->new('Excel.Application', \&Quit);
$Excel::Warn = 2;
unless (defined $Excel) {
my $Msg = Excel->LastError;
chomp $Msg;
$Msg =~ s/\n/\n\# /g;
print "# $Msg\n";
print "1..0 # Skipped: Excel.Application not installed\n";
exit 0;
# We only ever get here if Excel is actually installed
use Win32::OLE::Const ('Microsoft Excel');

$Test = 0;
print "1..$TestCount\n";
my $File = cwd . "\\test.xls";
$File =~ s#\\#/#g, chomp($File = `cygpath -w '$File'`) if $^O eq 'cygwin';
unlink $File if -f $File;

printf "# Excel is %s\n", $Excel;
my $Type = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Excel);
print "# App object type is $Type\n";
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 2. Make sure the CreateObject function works too
my $Obj;
my $Value = Win32::OLE::CreateObject('Excel.Application', $Obj);
print "not " unless $Value && UNIVERSAL::isa($Obj, 'Win32::OLE');
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;
$Obj->Quit if defined $Obj;

# 3. Add a workbook (with default number of sheets)
$Excel->{SheetsInNewWorkbook} = 3;
my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Add;
$Type = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Book);
print "# Book object type is $Type\n";
print "not " unless defined $Book;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 4. Test if class is inherited by objects created through $Excel
print "not " unless UNIVERSAL::isa($Book,'Excel');
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 5. Generate OLE error, should be "croaked" by Win32::OLE
eval { local $Excel::Warn = 3; $Book->Xyzzy(223); };
my $Msg = $@;
chomp $Msg;
$Msg =~ s/\n/\n\# /g;
print "# Died with msg:\n# $Msg\n";
print "not " unless $@;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 6. Generate OLE error, should be trapped by Excel subclass
$Fail = -1;
{ local $Excel::Warn = 0; $Book->Xyzzy(223); };
printf "# Excel::LastError returns (num): 0x%08x\n", Excel->LastError();
$Msg = Excel->LastError();
$Msg =~ s/\n/\n\# /g;
printf "# Excel::LastError returns (str):\n# $Msg\n";
printf "# Excel::LastError returns (num): 0x%08x\n", Excel->LastError();
printf "# Excel::LastError returns (str): %s\n", Excel->LastError();
print "not " if $Fail != $Test;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 7. Set 'Warn' option to subroutine reference
$Msg = '';
Excel->Option(Warn => sub {goto Error});
$Msg = "not ";
printf "${Msg}ok %d\n", ++$Test;
Excel->Option(Warn => 2);

# 8. Get an object for 1st worksheet
my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets(1);
$Type = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Sheet);
print "# Sheet object type is $Type\n";
print "not " unless defined $Sheet;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 9. Catch "invalid type" error, test if index is correct
{ local $Excel::Warn = 0; $Sheet->Cells(1, $Sheet); };
$Msg = Excel->LastError();
$Msg =~ s/\n/\n\# /g;
printf "# Excel::LastError returns (str):\n# $Msg\n";
print "not " unless $Msg =~ /"Cells" argument 2/;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 10. Test the "with" function
printf("# Tests %d and %d will fail if no default printer has been installed yet\n",
$Test+1, $Test+2);
with($Sheet->PageSetup, Orientation => xlLandscape, FirstPageNumber => 13);
$Value = $Sheet->PageSetup->FirstPageNumber;
print "# FirstPageNumber is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == 13;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 11. Test constant value: xlLandscape should be "2"
$Value = $Sheet->PageSetup->Orientation;
print "# Orientation is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == 2;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 12. Test Win32::OLE::Const->Load method
my $xl = Win32::OLE::Const->Load('Microsoft Excel');
printf "# xlLandscape is \"%s\"\n", $xl->{'xlLandscape'};
print "not " unless $xl->{'xlLandscape'} == 2;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 13. Call a method with a magical scalar as argument
my $Sheets = $Book->Worksheets;
my $Name = $Book->Worksheets($Sheets->{Count})->{Name};
print "# Name is \"$Name\"\n";
print "not " unless $Name;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 14. Set values of some cells and retrieve a value
$Sheet->{Name} = 'My Sheet #1';
foreach my $i (1..10) {
$Sheet->Cells($i,$i)->{Value} = $i**2;
my $Cell = $Sheet->Cells(5,5);
$Type = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Cell);
printf "# Cells (%s) object type is $Type\n", ref($Cell);
$Value = $Cell->{Value};
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Cell->{Value} == 25;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 15. Call OLE method with $1 as argument

# This test is commented out because Perl doesn't set POK on $1,
# it seems to be only pPOK, which still gets translated to undef. :(

#Excel->Option(Warn => 0);
#$_ = "The formula is MIN(77,33,55)";
#print "# Expression is \"$1\"\n" if /is (.*)/;
##$Value = $Sheet->Evaluate("MIN(77,33,55)") if /is (.*)/;
#$Value = $Sheet->Evaluate($1) if /is (.*)/;
#Excel->Option(Warn => 2);
#$Value = "" unless defined $Value;
#print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
#print "not " unless $Value eq "33";

printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 16. Test the valof function
my $RefOf = $Cell;
my $ValOf = valof $Cell;
$Cell->{Value} = 27;
print "not " unless $ValOf == 25 && $RefOf->Value == 27;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 17. Assign and retrieve a very long string
$Cell->{Value} = 'a' x 300;
printf "# Value is %s\n", $Cell->Value;
print "not " unless $Cell->Value eq ('a' x 300);
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 18. Assign a substr() magical lvalue (doesn't get POK bit set)
$Cell->Dispatch([Win32::OLE::DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT, 'Value'],
my $retval, substr('xyz', 0, 1));
printf "# Value is %s\n", $Cell->Value;
print "not " unless $Cell->Value eq 'x';
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 19. Test 'SetProperty' function
$Cell->SetProperty('Value', 4711);
printf "# Value is %s\n", $Cell->Value;
print "not " unless $Cell->Value == 4711;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 20. The following tests rely on the fact that the font is not yet bold
printf "# Bold: %s\n", $Cell->Style->Font->Bold;
print "not " if $Cell->Style->Font->Bold;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 21. Assignment by DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF shouldn't work
my $Style = $Book->Styles->Add("MyStyle");
$Style->Font->{Bold} = 1;
{ local $Excel::Warn = 0; $Cell->{Style} = $Style }
my $LastError = Excel->LastError;
printf "# Bold: %s\n", $Cell->Style->Font->Bold;
printf "# Excel->LastError is 0x%x\n", $LastError;
print "not " if $LastError != HRESULT(0x80020003) || $Cell->Style->Font->Bold;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 22. But DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT should be ok
$Cell->LetProperty('Style', $Style);
printf "# Bold: %s\n", $Cell->Style->Font->Bold;
print "not " unless $Cell->Style->Font->Bold;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 23. Set a cell range from an array ref containing an IV, PV and NV
$Sheet->Range("A8:C9")->{Value} = [[undef, 'Camel', "\x{263a}"],[42, 'Perl', 3.1415]];
$Value = $Sheet->Cells(9,2)->Value . $Sheet->Cells(8,2)->Value;
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq 'PerlCamel';
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 24. Retrieve float value (esp. interesting in foreign locales)
$Value = $Sheet->Cells(9,3)->{Value};
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == 3.1415;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 25. Retrieve unicode value.
$Value = $Sheet->Cells(8,3)->{Value};
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq "\x{263a}";
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 26. Make sure the length of the unicode string is correct.
$Value = $Sheet->Cells(8,3)->{Value};
print "# length(Value) is ", length($Value), "\n";
print "not " unless length($Value) == length("\x{263a}");
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 27. Use Unicode::String object to assign BSTR value
eval { require Unicode::String };
if ($@) {
printf "ok %d # Skipped: Unicode::String module not installed\n", $Test;
else {
$Sheet->Cells(1,3)->{Value} = Unicode::String::utf8("\342\230\272");
$Value = $Sheet->Cells(1,3)->{Value};
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq "\x{263a}" && length($Value) == 1;
printf "ok %d\n", $Test;

# 28. Retrieve a 0 dimensional range; check array data structure
$Value = $Sheet->Range("B8")->{Value};
printf "# Values are: \"%s\"\n", stringify($Value);
print "not " if ref $Value;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 29. Retrieve a 1 dimensional row range; check array data structure
$Value = $Sheet->Range("B8:C8")->{Value};
printf "# Values are: \"%s\"\n", stringify($Value);
print "not " unless @$Value == 1 && ref $$Value[0];
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 30. Retrieve a 1 dimensional column range; check array data structure
$Value = $Sheet->Range("B8:B9")->{Value};
printf "# Values are: \"%s\"\n", stringify($Value);
print "not " unless @$Value == 2 && ref $$Value[0] && ref $$Value[1];
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 31. Retrieve a 2 dimensional range; check array data structure
$Value = $Sheet->Range("B8:C9")->{Value};
printf "# Values are: \"%s\"\n", stringify($Value);
print "not " unless @$Value == 2 && ref $$Value[0] && ref $$Value[1];
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 32. Check contents of 2 dimensional array
$Value = $$Value[0][0] . $$Value[1][0] . $$Value[1][1];
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq 'CamelPerl3.1415';
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 33. Set a cell formula and retrieve calculated value
$Sheet->Cells(3,1)->{Formula} = '=PI()';
$Value = $Sheet->Cells(3,1)->{Value};
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless abs($Value-3.141592) < 0.00001;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 34. Add single worksheet and check that worksheet count is incremented
my $Count = $Sheets->{Count};
$Value = $Sheets->{Count};
print "# Count is \"$Count\" and Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == $Count+1;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 35. Add 2 more sheets, optional arguments are omitted
$Count = $Sheets->{Count};
$Value = $Sheets->{Count};
print "# Count is \"$Count\" and Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == $Count+2;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 36. Add 3 more sheets before sheet 2 using a named argument
$Count = $Sheets->{Count};
$Book->Worksheets(2)->{Name} = 'XYZZY';
$Sheets->Add($Book->Worksheets(2), {Count => 3});
$Value = $Sheets->{Count};
print "# Count is \"$Count\" and Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == $Count+3;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 37. Previous sheet 2 should now be sheet 5
$Value = $Book->Worksheets(5)->{Name};
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq 'XYZZY';
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 38. Add 2 more sheets at the end using 2 named arguments
$Count = $Sheets->{Count};
# Following line doesn't work with Excel 7 (Seems like an Excel bug?)
# $Sheets->Add({Count => 2, After => $Book->Worksheets($Sheets->{Count})});
$Sheets->Add({Count => 2, After => $Book->Worksheets($Sheets->{Count}-1)});
print "not " unless $Sheets->{Count} == $Count+2;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 39. Number of objects in an enumeration must match its "Count" property
my @Sheets = in $Sheets;
printf "# \$Sheets->{Count} is %d\n", $Sheets->{Count};
printf "# scalar(\@Sheets) is %d\n", scalar(@Sheets);
foreach my $Sheet (@Sheets) {
printf "# Sheet->{Name} is \"%s\"\n", $Sheet->{Name};
print "not " unless $Sheets->{Count} == @Sheets;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;
undef @Sheets;

# 40. Enumerate all application properties using the C<keys> function
my @Properties = keys %$Excel;
printf "# Number of Excel application properties: %d\n", scalar(@Properties);
$Value = grep /^(Parent|Xyzzy|Name)$/, @Properties;
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless $Value == 2;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;
undef @Properties;

# 41. Translate character from ANSI -> OEM
my ($Version) = $Excel->{Version} =~ /([0-9.]+)/;
print "# Excel version is $Version\n";

$Excel::LCID = $LCID;

$Cell = $Book->Worksheets('My Sheet #1')->Cells(1,5);
$Cell->{Formula} = '=CHAR(163)';
$Excel::CP = CP_ACP;
my $ANSI = valof $Cell;
$Excel::CP = CP_OEMCP;
my $OEM = valof $Cell;
print "# ANSI(cp1252) -> OEM(cp437/cp850): 163 -> 156\n";
printf "# ANSI is \"$ANSI\" (%d) and OEM is \"$OEM\" (%d)\n", ord($ANSI), ord($OEM);
print "not " unless ord($ANSI) == 163 && ord($OEM) == 156;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 42. Save workbook to file
print "not " unless $Book->SaveAs($File);
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 43. Check if output file exists.
print "not " unless -f $File;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 44. Access the same file object through a moniker.
$Obj = Win32::OLE->GetObject($File);
for ($Count=0 ; $Count < 5 ; ++$Count) {
my $Type = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Obj);
print "# Object type is \"$Type\"\n";
last if $Type =~ /Workbook/;
$Obj = $Obj->{Parent};
$Value = 2.7172;
eval { $Value = $Obj->Worksheets('My Sheet #1')->Range('A3')->{Value}; };
print "# Value is \"$Value\"\n";
print "not " unless abs($Value-3.141592) < 0.00001;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 45. Get return value as Win32::OLE::Variant object
$Cell = $Obj->Worksheets('My Sheet #1')->Range('B9');
my $Variant = Win32::OLE::Variant->new(VT_EMPTY);
$Cell->Dispatch('Value', $Variant);
printf "# Variant is (%s,%s)\n", $Variant->Type, $Variant->Value;
print "not " unless $Variant->Type == VT_BSTR && $Variant->Value eq 'Perl';
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 46. Use clsid string to start OLE server
undef $Value;
eval {
require Win32::Registry;
Win32::Registry->import(qw(RegOpenKeyEx KEY_READ));
use vars qw($HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT);
# Use Win32::Registry internals to open registry key in readonly mode
RegOpenKeyEx($HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT->{handle}, 'Excel.Application\CLSID',
undef, KEY_READ(), my $HKey);
$HKey = Win32::Registry::_new($HKey);
$HKey->QueryValue('', my $CLSID);
print "# Excel CLSID is $CLSID\n";
$Obj = Win32::OLE->new($CLSID);
$Value = (Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Obj))[0];
$Obj->Quit if $Value eq 'Excel';
if ($@) {
printf "ok %d # Skipped: Registry problem $@\n", $Test;
else {
print "# Object application is $Value\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq 'Excel';
printf "ok %d\n", $Test;

# 47. Use DCOM syntax to start server (on local machine though)
# This might fail (on Win95/NT3.5 if DCOM support is not installed.
$Obj = Win32::OLE->new([hostname, 'Excel.Application'], 'Quit');
$Value = (Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Obj))[0];
print "# Object application is $Value\n";
print "not " unless $Value eq 'Excel';
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 48. Find $Excel object via EnumAllObjects()
my $Found = 0;
$Count = Win32::OLE->EnumAllObjects(sub {
my $Object = shift;
my $Class = Win32::OLE->QueryObjectType($Object);
$Class = "" unless defined $Class;
printf "# Object=%s Class=%s\n", $Object, $Class;
$Found = 1 if $Object == $Excel;
print "# Count=$Count Found=$Found\n";
print "not " unless $Found;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 49. _NewEnum should normally be non-browseable
my $Exists = grep /^_NewEnum$/, keys %{$Excel->Worksheets};
print "# Exists=$Exists\n";
print "not " if $Exists;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 50. make _NewEnum visible
Excel->Option(_NewEnum => 1);
$Exists = grep /^_NewEnum$/, keys %{$Excel->Worksheets};
print "# Exists=$Exists\n";
print "not " unless $Exists;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 51. _NewEnum available as a method
@Sheets = @{$Excel->Worksheets->_NewEnum};
print "# $_->{Name}\n" foreach @Sheets;
print "not " unless @Sheets == 11 && grep $_->Name eq "My Sheet #1", @Sheets;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 52. _NewEnum available as a property
@Sheets = @{$Excel->Worksheets->{_NewEnum}};
print "not " unless @Sheets == 11 && grep $_->Name eq "My Sheet #1", @Sheets;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 53. Win32::OLE proxies are non-unique by default
my $Application = $Excel->Application;
my $Parent = $Excel->Parent;
printf "# Application=%d Parent=%d\n", $Application, $Parent;
print "not " if $Application == $Parent;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 54. Parent and Application property should now return the same object
Excel->Option(_Unique => 1);
$Application = $Excel->Application;
$Parent = $Excel->Parent;
printf "# Application=%d Parent=%d\n", $Application, $Parent;
print "not " unless $Application == $Parent;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 55. Determine Dispatch ID of "Parent"
my $dispid = $Excel->GetIDsOfNames("Parent");
print "# DispID=$dispid\n";
print "not " unless $dispid == 150;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 56. Dispatch using numeric ID instead of method/property name
$Parent = $Excel->Invoke($dispid);
printf "# Application=%d Parent=%d\n", $Application, $Parent;
print "not " unless $Application == $Parent;
printf "ok %d\n", ++$Test;

# 57. Terminate server instance ("ok $Test\n" printed by Excel destructor)

GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

Here an script example, it reads an excel file and save it as csv. Tested. it works fine.

use Win32::OLE;

$Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') ||
$Excel->{'Visible'} = 0; #0 is hidden, 1 is visible
$Excel->{DisplayAlerts}=0; #0 is hide alerts

# Open File and Worksheet
my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open
('C:\\Documents and Settings\\dmazzini\\Desktop\\TEST.xls'); # open Excel file

# save as comma delimited
$csvfile="C:\\Documents and Settings\\dmazzini\\Desktop\\mycsvfile.csv";


GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

Thanks! The script worked for me too. So the enviroment is not the issue.

But the script has narrowed down the issue here. It seems like its the usage of SaveAs method that's not working with Excel 2002.

Some snippets from my code:
use vars qw( %xlConst );
%xlConst = %{ Win32::OLE::Const->Load( "Microsoft Excel" ) };

$self->{Excel} = Win32::OLE->new( 'Excel.Application', 'Quit' );
my $Book = $self->{Excel}->Workbooks->Open($srcAbs);
my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets($sheetNum);

my $format = 'xlCSV';
$Sheet->SaveAs( {
FileName => $outAbs,
FileFormat => $xlConst{$format},
CreateBackup => 0} );

My script works when I just use SaveAs like you did:
$Sheet->SaveAs( $outAbs, 6 );

It doesn't seem to take my specified file format. There's another thread related exactly to this same issue but I cannot understand if the guy could fix it and how. This is the thread:

You could also check the module Spreadsheet::parseExcel. It is very powerful...


GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

When you say "It doesn't seem to take my specified file format" what does it mean?

GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

I know what you mean, I have tested and it keep the xls (excel format).

So just use:

$Sheet->SaveAs( $outAbs, 6 );


GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

Thanks dmazzini for all your help.

The difference in the Excel constants between the 2 Excel versions was causing the problem. Since my code was using the constants for the FileFormat property it was failing.

I have used the new equivalent constants from Excel 2002 and my script worked.
xlText -> xlTextMSDOS
xlNormal -> xlNormalView

Your welcome!

GSM System and Telecomm Consultant

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