Hey all
Ok here's the deal, i've programmed using visual C++ before but only for console apps, now i want to use to win32 api. Now i'm not not too experienced with programming in general (know basics but couldn't wirte tetris or anything) anyways i've been spending all day trying to figure stuff out. now my question is, can anyone give me any tips about writing win32 apps (maybe a little peice of sample code that outputs something to the screen or something) If I am totally lost then just tell me I'm screwed and go no about your business!
My big problem is that my C++ knowledge is limited to the int main() and functions stuff .. i just don't see how this stuff is even close to that .. is it? or is it totally different C++???
Ok here's the deal, i've programmed using visual C++ before but only for console apps, now i want to use to win32 api. Now i'm not not too experienced with programming in general (know basics but couldn't wirte tetris or anything) anyways i've been spending all day trying to figure stuff out. now my question is, can anyone give me any tips about writing win32 apps (maybe a little peice of sample code that outputs something to the screen or something) If I am totally lost then just tell me I'm screwed and go no about your business!
My big problem is that my C++ knowledge is limited to the int main() and functions stuff .. i just don't see how this stuff is even close to that .. is it? or is it totally different C++???