We have a WIN2K3 64 bit OS with MySQL 64 bit with the 64 bit MyODBC driver installed and showing up in the MS Datasource Manager and looking good.
However, when we try to connect remotely to it or run our standard ASP (not ASP.NET) web application against it...we get nothing.
The following error when trying to connect via ASP:
'@ADODB.Connection error '800a0ea9'
Provider is not specified and there is no designated default provider.'
Error 10060 when trying to connect via the MySQL Administrator remotely.
We are able to connect to it locally with the MySQL Administrator, and third-party management and query tools...but not remotely.
I have done a port scan and the DB is not listening on the standard 3306 port
the my.ini file and the admin tool both say it should be.
I have checked the local variables and the skip-networking is set to OFF.
I have created a new user with remote privilages
but still nothing.
It is not a firewall issue as we have many other services showing up in the port scan and we have no firewall in front of it at this time.
A mid 2007 post on a related MySQL forum indicated that it is a matter of Microsoft not having a 64 bit oleDB bridge for the WIN 2003 64 bit OS and that the MySQL 64 bit driver is only for applications that can access the ODBC API directly.
This is where we get a bit lost. I am uncertain if standard ASP requires an oleDB bridge to the ODBC API or if this can somehow be taken out of the equation and also if the remote connection issues are even connected to this issue?
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated...any workarounds or similar experiences...hopefully with happy endings, hehehe.